On July 8, 2020

State Rep. Jim Harrision announces candidacy for re-election

Dear Editor,

The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically changed so much of our daily lives in such a short period of time. The challenges we face as a state will be enormous in the coming year, if not longer. Preliminary revenue forecasts for the fiscal year that began July 1 are down significantly for the state, due to economic inactivity, unemployment and business closures.

Tough decisions will be necessary in order to get back on our feet. It is not possible to tax our way out of this. Crisis demands the opportunity to look at and do things in new ways. This is not the time to walk away, but rather step up to the challenge, which is why I am candidate for a new term as state representative.

If re-elected, I cannot promise I will make all the right decisions from everyone’s point of view. I can only say, I will do my best to represent the district as a whole and not shy away from the choices we will need to make as a state.

With public health in mind, we must work to get our economy moving again. I believe strongly in fiscal responsibility and understand the importance of making investments for our future. However, I will not promise things we cannot afford.

If elected to a new term this fall, I will continue keeping district residents informed through email updates, meet and greet sessions (when appropriate and safe) and regular newspaper columns.

It has been an honor and privilege to serve as the state representative for the towns of Bridgewater, Chittenden, Killington and Mendon since 2017. I hope you will consider supporting my candidacy for re-election in the upcoming primary on Aug. 11, regardless of which political party you may affiliate.

Jim Harrison, North Chittenden, State Representative, Rutland-Windsor 1 District

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