On July 1, 2020

Holcombe should be nominated to face Scott

Dear Editor,

As I watched the Gubernatorial Candidate Forum on Environmental and Social Justice sponsored by the Sierra Club on June 17 it became abundantly clear that Rebecca Holcombe should be the Democratic nominee to square off against Gov. Scott in November.

On the one hand Holcombe was well versed, assertive, and yet humble in her style of communication. On the other hand David Zuckerman expressed himself with paternalistic undertones. Holcombe gave thoughtful answers and displayed large doses of cultural humility. She deftly and seamlessly wove an understanding of inclusion, equity, and racial justice across the energy, education, economic development, criminal justice, and civic sectors. Zuckerman and Patrick Wilburn addressed inclusion, equity, and racial justice as afterthoughts to otherwise prepared, rehearsed remarks.

Holcombe provided vivid examples of her effective executive level leadership in the field of education. She has managed large complex organizations of hundreds of employees and thousands of stakeholders. Neither Zuckerman nor Wilburn spoke of any demonstrated executive level management experience of large complex organizations — maybe because they have none.

Holcombe convincingly secured my vote last night and I strongly encourage everyone to vote for her in the primary election.

Curtiss Reed, Jr., Brattleboro

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