On June 17, 2020

Hansen for Lt. Governor

Dear Editor,

The 2020 Lt. governor’s race is wide open. It presents an important opportunity to turn the tide for struggling Vermonters. Voters have a clear choice in the Aug. 11 primary election. Meg Hansen is the only Republican Lt. Governor candidate who can defeat the Progressive/Democrat nominee in November.

Hansen has a medical degree, health policy expertise, and a long record of health care service. She also owns a small business. She is a bright, kind, dynamic Indian-American woman who brings fresh and inspiring solution to our state’s one–sided politics. In this unprecedented time, Meg Hansen’s integrity of character, courage, and professional experience make her the right candidate to lead policies that will keep Vermonters healthy and safe.

In contrast, the millionaire opponent, who entered the Republican primary at the very last minute, has supported Bernie Sanders. He is strongly pro–abortion and anti-Second Amendment. He is a strong supporter of mail-in voting without adding any checks like voter ID or signature verification. These positions are completely out of step with Republican voters. The good news is that his millions will not buy him the Aug. 11 election.

A vote for Meg Hansen is a vote for a new future of prosperity for all Vermonters. Please join me in voting for Meg Hansen for Lt. Governor in the Republican primary on Aug. 11.

Randy Gray, North Springfield

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