On June 3, 2020

Need help paying your bills? WARF can help!

Dear Editor,

Do you feel like you’re living in some type of strange dream? Us, too. Or maybe the nice weather and a few business openings have you feeling like things might someday get back to normal? We hear you.

Either way, we want you to know that WARF (Woodstock Area Relief Fund) is here to help if you need it.

We’re an all-volunteer organization with more than $250,000 currently available to help neighbors in need (thank you, donors!) and more on the way.

Specifically, we’re providing grants of up to $1,000 to residents of the Windsor County Supervisory Union for rent, food, household needs, and child care.

So whether you’re hunkered down staying away from the virus, starting to venture back out, or getting ready to return to work, we’ve got you covered as the landscape and your financial needs change.

Most importantly, if you’ve never had to ask for help paying your bills, we want you to know the process is confidential and very easy!

We understand how hard it is to ask for help—we really do. But our volunteer counselors make the process fast and painless, and they are more than happy to steer you toward other resources if needed.

We’re all in this together. Truly.

To apply for aid:


To ask questions: woodstockcovid19@gmail.com

To see regular updates:

Facebook: @woodstockarearelieffund

Jon Spector, Woodstock

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