On April 1, 2020

Thank you WUMHS teachers, staff

Dear Editor,

Everyone is having to deal with disruptions to their daily lives in light of the COVID-19 crisis. Many of us are out of work, or adjusting to working from home.

Families of school-aged children especially are going through major changes right now. Parents are having to be teachers as well as moms and dads — and employees, if they’re lucky enough to still have a job at all. It is stressful on everyone.

I have two teenagers at home, who attend Woodstock Union Middle and High School. I want to recognize what an amazing job the teachers, administrators and support staff of WUMHS are doing in supporting students and their families during this trying time. I want our community to know some of the extraordinary things that are happening to make this transition to at-home learning a little easier on families. Not only have I received email communication from the school, but individual teachers and special educators have also reached out via email and personal phone calls to check in and make sure my kids have what they need to continue learning from home. The school has made sure that every child has access to the internet, and if they do not have computers at home the school has made Chromebooks available to students so they can complete their school work.

We have also been receiving deliveries of food from the school. Every school day breakfast and lunch is safely left on our porch, and Friday’s delivery came with some extras for the weekend. I have been impressed with the quality of food, and the healthy variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that comes with every meal. Wraps and rolls have been whole wheat, and milk has been included every day. Everything has been safely packaged.

It has taken the burden of fixing extra meals on school days away from me so I have more time to help my children stay on task to get their school work done, and be able to continue working from home myself. This is a wonderful service the school is offering to families during this time.

We should all be proud of our school and the staff there. They are making sure that no child is left hungry or not able to continue learning while the doors to the building are closed. I am very thankful to live in a community with a school that has so many caring and dedicated individuals that are doing their best to support the physical, mental and intellectual well-being of their students from a “socially distant” standpoint. Thank you Woodstock Union High School and Middle School. Keep up the great work.

From a grateful parent of two students,

Robin Alberti,


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