On March 18, 2020

Town of Bridgewater COVID-19 Update


COVID-19 – Coronavirus Disease: The Bridgewater Emergency Management Team is monitoring the Covid-19 virus situation. Local officials met on Tuesday and are putting a plan in place. If you or a family member are quarantined (self or medically), we want to make sure that you have the resources that you need in order to maintain your isolation and not have to venture out into public.

If you need help with necessities such as: food/water and medicines, please contact any of the following; Ellen Quinn, Health Officer at 802-281-0615, Lynne Bertram at 802-342-0784, Josh Maxham at 802-299-8428. You can also get information from the Vermont Dept. of Health website at healthvermont.gov/coronavirus.

Health Tips: No handshaking, do not touch your face, wash hands frequently, cough or sneeze into your elbow or tissue and discard immediately. Stay home. Use gloves when you are shopping, using the gas pump and all other outside activity

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