This week’s horoscopes are coming out under the light of a void of course Scorpio Moon that will remain in that state until it moves into Sagittarius at 11:34 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 23. I don’t need to remind you that Christmas is coming up on the 25th, and will herald a new, Capricorn Moon which will reach exactitude in the wee hours of the morning on Dec. 26.
Between the Winter Solstice, and the Christmas revels, this time of year gives us a week to take a deep breath and figure out what we’re here for. We have a few days, and perhaps even more than that, if we can hold steady through Epiphany on Jan. 6, to reconfigure our outlook and zero in on whether or not we are walking our talk.
There is so much polarized energy rocking the planet right now people all over the world are split in two, and more often than not, saying one thing and doing another, totally oblivious to the gap between what they profess to believe in and the way they act in real time.
Don’t worry; I am not going to go off on a rant — it’s Christmas after all – I might do better to get off my soap box, whip up some eggnog, and give it a rest.
Maybe this week, let’s talk about long term cycles, because whenever the Solstice rolls around, that’s what I start thinking about. This year, it’s more on my mind than usual because I’ve been reading about things that go back thousands of years. Between the precession cycle, a.k.a. the grand cycle, and its coincidence with the yuga cycle, the fact that we are currently moving through the heart of darkness is more than clear to me. In plain and simple terms, this is as dark as it gets, and that is why people all over the world are steeped in ignorance, split in two, and oblivious to anything that might allow them to understand what’s behind it all.
Rounding the bend that at the Winter Solstice always brings us out of the darkness into the light, is it possible that our entrance into 2020 will open the space for us to look beyond the superficial constructs that have led us to put all of our faith into the techno-culture, the questionable virtues of the educational system, and into value systems that have slowly but surely led us completely astray?
For sure, I could have used this intro to offer up the standard Yuletide platitudes, but I wasn’t in the mood – plus, you can find that stuff anywhere. Some of you may have a problem with my seriousness, but I don’t care; I am not here to make myself popular — I am only interested in the truth.
We are living through what Charles Dickens would call “The worst of times.” If we’re wise enough not to be oblivious to that fact, we also know that the darkest hour is right before the dawn.
In this season where love and light are supposed to be the order of the day, it would be great if all of us could get real enough to do a little more than just pay lip service to those concepts.
Walking one’s talk isn’t about being right. It comes down to making room for everyone we meet to embody what’s true for them, and being open to figuring out how to bridge that gaps that make it so hard for us to understand each other. In these times when everything conspires to pit us against one another, could we remember this and be inspired to take the high road? I sure hope so. Let me leave you with that, wish you a happy Christmas, shower you with love and light, and invite you to take what you can from this week’s ‘scopes.