On December 18, 2019

Homeless Prevention Center fundraiser raises a record $20,000

Guests Justin and Ally Brown – by Thomasina Magoon

Dear Editor,

On behalf of the Homeless Prevention Center, we would like to thank the many community members who made our dinner, dance, silent auction and 20th Anniversary Celebration on Nov. 2 at the Franklin Conference Center in Rutland, such a great success. With the help of 15 sponsors, 70 individuals and businesses that donated auction items, and a fantastic effort by our board, staff and volunteers, we raised a record $20,000 in support of our mission of preventing and ending homelessness in Rutland County. Thank you!

We were moved by both the generosity and diversity of supporters this year: Banks and credit unions; local businesses (old and new); families and individuals; hospitals and correctional facilities; Vermonters we’ve helped in the past who wanted to give back; DJ Dave Hoffenberg who donated his time and services, even local musicians who donated their gig money.

This generosity from all corners makes our work possible and illustrates how colorful the quilt is that weaves this community together.

I also want to thank the staff here that continue to work small miracles every day. This year they helped over 500 Vermonters in crisis — people who were homeless, or facing it head on, or leaving an institution uncertain about what would happen next on the outside. Whether you’re a client of our organization, a staff or board member, a landlord or community partner, sponsor or donor, thank you for believing that even when it’s a hard day or a cold night, doing the tough work is worth it.


Angus Chaney, HPC executive director

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