On February 27, 2019

Horoscopes for Feb. 20th-26th, 2019

Cal Garrison Mother of the Skye weekly HoroscopesCal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below. Copyright – Cal Garrison: 2019: ©

Want to hear more from Mother of the Skye?
Check out Mother’s Celestial Inspirations for a deeper look into this weeks horoscopes

Mother of the Skye has 40 years of experience as an astrologer and tarot consultant.
She may be reached by email to cal.garrison@gmail.com

Horoscopes for Feb. 20th-26th, 2019


March 21 – April 20

Your ‘Get out of jail FREE’ card is ready and waiting for you to cash it in and move on. Any sense of trepidation needs to be weighed against what it has cost you to remain chained to this post. External issues make you wonder if it’s the right thing to do. You have the idea that others will suffer at your expense if you follow your heart. Seen in a different light, it comes down to knowing that they will never learn how to follow theirs if you don’t set an example. You’ve been taking the same tack long enough. To keep this up and expect different results is the definition of insanity.


April 21 – May 20

You keep wishing everything was perfect. My question to those of you who take that stance is; “What is ‘perfect’, and ‘who said so?’” The earth is a strange place. We get our lessons by going through a gauntlet that is governed by extremes, of good or bad, up or down, happy or sad, right or wrong; it goes on and on. At this point you are in the middle of lessons that are here to show you that it’s not what happens to you; it’s what you make of it. Regardless of your situation, this leg of your journey comes down to ‘loving what is’ and figuring out that it’s all good, even when it’s not.


May 21 – June 20

If you play your cards right, this situation will go just fine. The standard approach won’t work. Many of you figured this out a long time ago. Those of you who are still of the mind that you need to go along with the program will cut yourselves short when it comes time for things to pan out or not. The usual suspects are nipping at your heels, trying to convince you that you need to be careful, or telling you to mind your manners. At this point? Playing your cards right will require you to play hard ball, and maybe even ask you to tell more than one person where to go.


June 21 – July 20

You haven’t felt this good in a long time. I should qualify that by saying that life has not been without its ‘issues’, but your attitude is such that it’s been easier to remain objective to them. Where you go from here has already been written on the higher levels. The need to remain open to things as they appear, along with the ability to recognize the people, places, and things that support your highest good are of equal importance. What’s getting laid down will form the foundation for the greater part of your future. Success will reward you if your motives are clear.


July 21 – August 20

It’s easy to start grasping at straws when we sense that our luck has run out, or when we feel like everything is falling away. The tendency to overdramatize your situation will make it even harder to remain centered in circumstances that are unsure. When things get like this it helps to remember that the answers aren’t ‘Out there’. There is no drug, or pill, or panacea that is going to make it all OK. Everything depends on your ability to draw your strength from within. This concept also includes the need to stop blaming people, places, and things for what has come to pass.


August 21 – September 20

Some days you are more than clear about things; on other days you feel lost. The business of expecting too much from yourself is always at issue. At the moment so much is shifting below the surface, you would be nuts to expect life to fall in line with whatever you have set the ‘well-ordered’ plan to be. It’s kind of like being at a bend in the road; what’s around the corner doesn’t show up on the map. The key to being OK with things rests in your willingness to ‘not know’ or get too freaked out when your clarity and energy are low and the level of uncertainty is high.


September 21 – October 20

Now that certain things are out of the way you can get down to business. The next few weeks will give you more than enough time to handle the things that you’ve had to either put aside or sweep under the rug. Demands will be made on your time. Don’t expect others to know enough to leave you alone. You need to be made aware of the fact that most of the people who keep coming around are there because they want something. To survive the onslaught of leeches, in the absence of your own private bouncer, you’re going to have to learn how to just say ‘No’.


October 21 – November 20

The freedom factor is a lot more expansive than it’s been in a while. One thing leads to another. Now that you’re free and clear, the whole idea of ‘going places’ is huge. This is about more than traveling around, and getting out and about; it has to do with finally being free to move in ways that bring more love and opportunities for creativity into your life. Fun is definitely part of this. There are bound to be celebrations that will open the space for you to bump into people you haven’t seen in a dog’s age and who show up to surprise you with a chance to try something new.


November 21 – December 20

What happens next is on the menu, and how it goes is up to you. Don’t be surprised if you find gold where you least expect to find it. By this I mean, the most unlikely people, places, and things are about to turn up and take you on a totally different track. After what you’ve been through, this opening is a milestone that you will look back upon and see as the moment where everything turned around. When one thing changes, everything changes so look for these possibilities to impact every aspect of your experience, and don’t let doubt or fear keep you tied down.


December 21 – January 20

Whatever you have had to keep to yourself needs to come out into the open. It’s plain to see that your current affairs have taken their toll. How much longer can you maintain yourself within the restrictions that fear has placed on your freedom? If none of this applies it’s because you’ve paid most of your dues and are clear enough about who you are to know what you want. Those of you whose dreams have fallen by the wayside aren’t quite so lucky. If you fall into that category then it’s time to come to terms with the stuff that you couldn’t confront, or tried to escape, 7 years ago.


January 21 – February 20

In order for things to evolve, you need to expand your relationship to whatever you’re doing. This means that it’s time to start looking around for ideas that take you beyond what you already know. In tandem with this, it would be great if you could disengage from people and things that keep you tied to the party line. Why? Your spirit is hitched to a star that destines you to create a new and better world. To think that you can work within the system and get that to happen is crazy. You are at a reset point that could turn you into a ‘Muggle’ or take you ‘one step beyond’.


February 21 – March 20

You are back in the saddle again, dealing with things that make you the centerpiece in a situation that leaves you little time for yourself. Many of you are ready for anything but this, at a time when it’s impossible to do much but be the rock that holds everything together. In some cases, you’re ready to snap. For others, you’ve lived long enough to know that life goes back and forth between ease and difficulty. You can have a nervous breakdown of you want to, but, soon enough the pressure will drop and you’ll find out that going the distance makes virtue its own reward.

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