On February 7, 2019

Time for a world revolution

Dear Editor,

The real travesty to the news like that of recent similar instances that Green Mountain College will be closing due to economic problems is that meanwhile billions upon billions of federal taxpayer money goes to funding a bloated military budget for endless phony wars to generate endless military/industrial corporation profits.

America is more interested in spending tax dollars to teach its youth how to kill and die than for educating them so they can pursue peaceful, rewarding lives and careers.

When will the United States of Amnesia wake up from its narcotic slumber and realize the American military isn’t part of the solution; along with decades of nefarious U.S. foreign policy they’re part of the problem?

True world peace will begin when the youth of the world awaken and rise up and refuse military conscription and recruitment. The time has come for a worldwide revolution of mind, body, and soul that rejects the economic and cultural militarization of the nations of the planet.

To paraphrase the iconic social activist Mario Savio: There’s a time when the operation of the war machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you cannot take part anymore even as a passive observer and you’ve got to be willing to put your body upon the gears, upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and make it stop once and for all.

Ralph Corbo, East Wallingford

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