On January 23, 2019

Horoscopes for January 16th – 22nd, 2019

Cal Garrison Mother of the Skye weekly HoroscopesCal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below. Copyright – Cal Garrison: 2018: ©

Want to hear more from Mother of the Skye?
Check out Mother’s Celestial Inspirations for a deeper look into this weeks horoscopes

Mother of the Skye has 40 years of experience as an astrologer and tarot consultant.
She may be reached by email to cal.garrison@gmail.com

Horoscopes for January 16th – 22nd, 2019


March 21 – April 20

You’ve taken on everyone else’s stuff for far too long. All of your energy has been co-opted by people who have been ill-equipped to handle life on their own. At this point you are convinced that it’s your job to keep it up; I beg to differ. Whatever you’ve learned from paying these dues is ready to take you to the next level. Moving on could easily require a move, or at least, actions that allow you to distance yourself from those who rely so heavily upon you. It comes down to saying, “No,” knowing that whatever this does will teach people how to grow up and take care of themselves.


April 21 – May 20

It isn’t that you have it easier than most. What it comes down to is that your ability to stay grounded in the midst of situations that would rip anyone else to shreds is standing you in good stead. Many of you are blissfully unaware that anything is amiss. Those of you who are tuned in to the fact that you are in over your head are wrestling with the pressure of being the one whose job it is to keep it all together. Within that framework it becomes necessary to be able to tell the difference between staying on top of things, and being able to admit it when you too have lost your grip.


May 21 – June 20

It will take a lot of fancy footwork to pull this off. You’d be wise to keep your plans open and flexible, because you are juggling too many variables to think that one course of action is going to get you where you want to go. Others are giving you a hard time. Their attitude is based on things that have colored their experience. What they think does not apply to you, and you’d be nuts to give them too much credence. Stick close to what your instincts are telling you to do and give yourself enough leeway to be strong enough to break the rules if and when it becomes necessary.


June 21 – July 20

When things are sitting smack dab in the crux of change, what works best is the ability to stay tuned to what’s right in front of you. Your current situation is blessed by forces that will allow you to prosper because believe it or not, God is on your side. When we understand this it becomes easy to see that the best is yet to come. What you have spent all of your energy trying to maintain has reached the point where it needs to make room for what you really came here to do. Yes, it’s all up in the air. Get your fears out of the machinery and let the rest of your life fall into place.


July 21 – August 20

Things have come together in a way that makes you feel so much better about how they’ve turned out. If you were lost before, something’s been found, and you are filled with optimism about what is to come. Trips here and there are more than they seem and will lead you to the next thing. For some, there will be opportunities to study and teach. This is one of those times when you’re reaping the goodness that comes from a lot of hard work and sacrifice. Soak it up and use this energy to channel the radiance that flows through you naturally when you’re in touch with yourself.


August 21 – September 20

After a long period of waiting and a little too much of the same old thing, life is about to pick up again. For a while there you thought you were doomed to your own private version of “Ground Hog Day.” I don’t know what form it’s taking, but all of a sudden there’s a new reason for living and a strong sense of self-worth to back it up. Nothing is 100% sure, but even though this new deal is not sealed, you’re in a good position to start getting ready. It’s time to marshal your resources and lay the groundwork because your inner voice is saying, “If you build it, they will come.”


September 21 – October 20

One step forward, two steps back seems to be ringing true for many of you. At the moment you are optimistic enough to feel like you’re about to find your way out of this mess. Life goes up and down. Soon enough you will be back where you started. It is in those moments when we are having a harder time of it that all of our growth takes place. As you feel the wind that is filling your sails right now, keep it in mind when you are in “two steps back” mode. Slowly but surely whatever the problem is, will soon be resolved and the lesson you get will be worth its weight in gold.


October 21 – November 20

You keep watching and waiting for someone to come around. This could be about caring enough to hope that they make it through the gauntlet. It could also be about wishing they would come back and make amends for whatever has gone wrong. Much of your energy is consumed by this. What other people do, or don’t do, is totally up to them. In your desire to help, or control how things go, you lose sight of the fact that you can’t control anything but yourself. It might be time to mind your own business and love others enough to know that they are well equipped to mind theirs.


November 21 – December 20

You keep hoping someone will come along and tell you how to handle things, but this is one of those free will moments where the choice is up to you. On the one hand you feel a strong need to stick things out. On the other hand, the nature of your situation is such that there’s more than one excuse to drop the ball and move on with no regrets. You want a guarantee that moving on will yield positive results – but guarantees aren’t part of the deal. The only thing you know for sure is that sticking things out will yield more of the same. What would it take to take a flying leap?


December 21 – January 20

Time and the actions of other people have a lot to say about how this goes. If you have put too much faith in others by giving them more credit than they deserve, you’re about to find out what they’re made of. So much hinges on this. As you hold your breath and wait for your ship to come in there will be plenty of space to look at the truth. “Come to Jesus” moments, in the form of revelations that show you where you went wrong, are par for the course. Don’t let any of it get you down. Truth and light are connected, and you have to face the truth before you can see the light.


January 21 – February 20

The way it looks you’ve finally figured out how to make this work. I don’t know how much you’ve had to compromise, but you’re about to see that for yourself. If it has paid off the next few months will present you with a raft of opportunities and a chance to come out from under whatever’s been holding you down. As life begins to perk up you will wind up in the same coordinates with people you haven’t seen in a dog’s age. Pay close attention to this and don’t let the past interfere with your perceptions. From what I can see these old connections will do you a world of good.


February 21 – March 20

The three ring circus appears to be running smoothly. You are feeling big enough to handle all of it and looking forward to more. In the next few weeks you will begin to notice that what’s moving along nicely will become subject to external constraints and timing issues. This means you’re going to have to stop long enough to make adjustments and fix whatever gets broken before you go forward. If bigger and better is where you’re headed, in order to go there you need to stay humble, keep it simple, and be wise enough to take everyone’s interests into account.

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