Dear Editor,
Thank you for publishing the opinions of Vermont physicians in your recent Nov. 7 issue. Vermont Society represents the majority of Vermont doctors and healthcare providers who recognize the harmful effects of cannabis inhalation or ingestion individually and collectively for public health and individual well-being.
I personally found attorney Steuben’s comments concerning and misinformed. Certainly nothing should be burnt and then the smoke intentionally inhaled, especially psychoactive drugs. Our lungs were meant for clean fresh air and anything else is less is sub-optimal and potentially harmful. Steuben mentions the 1950s which is the time when the tobacco industry and its attorneys were misleading the American public just like the marijuana is industry is misleading the public about the commercialization and industrialization of THC as somehow being recreational. As physicians our charge is the health of all Vermonters, as opposed to attorney Steuben, an attorney brought in from out of state to promote the marijuana industry for profit.
David R. Charnock, M.D.,FACS, Rutland