On November 20, 2018

Keep it simple this Thanksgiving

By Cal Garrison a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of an Aries Moon on the eve of the Thanksgiving holiday.

I was born with the Moon in this sign, and more than likely, this has a lot to do with why I get so riled up about the injustices that have been inflicted upon the Native American people. The Aries archetype holds space for the “Warrior” archetype. It is a powerful, totally independent, and highly focused form of energy. Ruled by Mars, this sign is geared for anything that requires courage and the ability to defend the best interests of the tribe. Aries is so totally free and independent it is the embodiment of the pioneer spirit, or the impulse that allows a person to break away from the herd and go where no man has gone before.

Once a month, whenever the Moon passes through this sign, it spends about 2.5 days vibrating at a frequency that invites us to tap into the qualities that I’ve outlined above. Under this influence, we don’t need to be told what to do, and we don’t want to be hemmed in by anything that keeps us confined to ordinary things, or to other people and their expectations.

The Aries impulse is at its best when it has all the freedom in the world to take off on its own.

Sometimes it impels us to want to over-exert ourselves mentally and physically. If it meets with resistance, or conflict, the Mars vibration that fuels this sign will turn on the switch that causes us to over-exert ourselves emotionally and lose our temper at the drop of the hat. On the most mundane level, this often manifests as testy little arguments at the breakfast table. It is also where we meet the need to succumb to road rage, or where we find ourselves on the receiving end of others who are angry about what did or didn’t happen at the breakfast table and flip us the bird as they pass us on the right and speed off.

In its highest expression an Aries Moon is great for focusing on getting things done – but those activities have to be personally meaningful to the individual.

By the time Thanksgiving rolls around, the sun will be in Sagittarius and the Moon will be just about full in Gemini. If we make it to Thursday without creating too much conflict the holiday could turn out to be a real good time. If we get caught up in things that punctuate our differences between now and then, what happens at the annual Thanksgiving feast will make us wonder about the gap between what we think is going on, and the reality of what’s thumping away beneath the surface.

Among other things, the Gemini-Sagittarius axis is where we mingle with our immediate and distant family relations. It is also where it becomes more important than ever to tell the truth. If there are family tensions, or axes to grind, it might be best to keep things honest and carve up that bird, away from Mom and Dad, and sisters and brothers, and uncles and aunts and cousins, and opt for a get together with good friends, or total strangers, far away from home.

My best advice would be to say; keep it simple, bring a little joy to the table, don’t drink too much punch or eat too much pie, and take what you can from this week’s ‘scopes.

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