On November 20, 2018

Horoscopes for November 14th – 20th, 2018

Cal Garrison Mother of the Skye weekly HoroscopesCal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

Want to hear more from Mother of the Skye?
Check out Mother’s Celestial Inspirations for a deeper look into this weeks horoscopes

Mother of the Skye has 40 years of experience as an astrologer and tarot consultant.
She may be reached by email to cal.garrison@gmail.com

Horoscopes for November 14th – 20th, 2018


March 21 – April 20

You’ve got your hands full. Between the loose ends that are getting tied up, and a pile of new business on deck, there have to be moments when you wonder if you’ve bitten off more than you can chew. The belief in your capabilities is reinforced by your ability to focus. At the same time, the fact that the devil is always in the details is bound to introduce surprises into whatever your master plan is looking like at the moment. Staying on top of things will turn into a full time job, as the needs of others will inevitably add twists and turns to the changes that lie on the road ahead.


April 21 – May 20

What shows up on the screen depends on the choices you make between now and the New Year. None of this is fated, except for the need to decide. Part of you is leaning toward the line of least resistance. If it seems easier to cave in to what others are pressuring you to do it will cost you a fortune to sell out. With the weight of expectation looming large, your truer wants and desires need to be considered. Little did you know that you would reach this impasse. Rocking the boat will test you to the max, but when your life is at stake it takes courage to live your truth.


May 21 – June 20

Things are finally rolling in the right direction. If there are obstacles, they are here to show you more about exactly who and what stands in the way. You’ve been playing your cards right, so there’s no need to ride herd on anyone. The forces that assail you are already hung up in their own Ptah, and doing themselves in as we speak. With the bigger part of your issues out of the way, now is the time to zero in on your real work. This will include taking care of yourself well enough to shed light on the things that will serve to actualize your purpose in the best possible way.


June 21 – July 20

You are in one of those situations where whoever’s in charge is nine-cents short of a dime. There are moments when this is amusing, and other times when it makes you wonder what you’re doing here. That conundrum has been on top of the stack for quite some time. The sense that you’re lost in space, playing potsie with people and things that have either gotten stale, or that force you to hide your light under a bushel, fills your thoughts on a regular basis. As you question all of this, the sound of your higher guidance urges you to get off the boat and find better things to do.


July 21 – August 20

The door is open and the lines of interference just got erased by forces that have come to give you a break. You’re in luck because the bigger part of this aspect pattern will hold steady, long enough for you to dig in and make the most of it. If there are blocks, they relate to what could happen if over confidence and over optimism loan you permission to rest on your laurels. Times like this are few and far between. Give whatever it is that you are doing everything you’ve got, and don’t be afraid to bring what until now you’ve been reluctant to express into the limelight.


August 21 – September 20

This is one of those times when you need to be able to walk in two worlds. Knowing how to keep your focus in the here and now, while your larger vision rests on what all of it means to you from a spiritual perspective, comes down to taking your everyday experiences for what they’re worth while maintaining a connection to the idea that each one has a purpose. The long term effects of what is done from moment to moment form a karmic wave that builds up over time and washes over us, for better or worse. All of your choices matter. Be mindful of each one of them.


September 21 – October 20

The fact that you are willing to show up on time with a smile on your face is a miracle. With what you’ve been through, anyone else would have a million excuses for their inability to function. Your gifts and accomplishments have led you to the point where you could be said to “have it all,” in the real sense of the word. That being said, all of the “stuff” that took you through the ringer is still there, hiding out at the bottom of the well. How things go from here relies heavily upon the need to call all of that darkness up from within and deal with it, one piece at a time.


October 21 – November 20

You go back and forth between people and situations in which the need for diplomacy overtakes the freedom to be yourself. You’ve gotten to be an expert at giving everyone what they need. In those moments when you stop long enough to look at yourself, it comes down to wondering where YOU went. The next few weeks will see you dishing out more of the same, doing whatever it takes to get what you need by pleasing everyone but yourself. If at any point the deeper part of your being needs a break, get as far away from the fray as you can and try to remember who you are.


November 21 – December 20

With Jupiter rolling over your Sun, things are bound to be looking pretty good. This is what they call an “opportunity cycle” that could yield more than a dream or two. How this shows up is often less about pounding the pavement than it is on being in the right place at the right time. The Law of Serendipity is swinging and swaying when Jupiter’s around, so stretch your limits and open yourself to people and things that you wouldn’t ordinarily cotton to. Take a few chances and get as wild and crazy as you please. You never know where you will find what you’re looking for.


December 21 – January 20

Don’t try to hang on to anything. What’s washed away is gone for good. If you keep hanging around trying to get your just desserts, you will wind up stuck here, running around in circles wondering why nothing went right. The minute we let go, the door opens and the next thing has room to appear. There is a time span for everything. What we think will go on forever lasts only as long as it takes to gain the wisdom the experience is meant to give us. You may find it hard to drop the reins, but to keep pushing the envelope is going to interfere with your spiritual growth.


January 21 – February 20

It’s time to get wise enough to handle a situation that would be less complicated if the people you’re dealing with weren’t so underhanded. Not being one who plays games, or who is a whiz with strategic maneuvers, you’re sitting here thinking that you better smarten up or risk getting done in over. I’m not real good at these things either, so it’s hard to know what to say. For now, it might be best to tune in to the still, small voice that speaks to you from within. Sometimes it’s easier to get your just desserts by letting go of the need to lawyer up or play hard ball to prove your point.


February 21 – March 20

You’ve had your share of “stuff” to handle. Making sense of it all is one of those things that can’t be done with the mind. Huge amounts of karma are coming home to roost. At the end of the day this has been meant to teach your ego and your higher self to work as a team. What you thought you needed other people for is shifting away from feelings of dependence, into whatever it takes to do for yourself. Over the next few months the soap operas that have limited you to things that diminish your “being-ness” are about to give way to levels of experience that transcend the ordinary.

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