On February 7, 2018

Horoscopes for January 31st – February 6th, 2018

Cal Garrison Mother of the Skye weekly HoroscopesCal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

Want to hear more from Mother of the Skye?
Check out Mother’s Celestial Inspirations for a deeper look into this weeks horoscopes

Mother of the Skye has 40 years of experience as an astrologer and tarot consultant.
She may be reached by email to cal.garrison@gmail.com

Horoscopes for January 31st – February 6th, 2018


March 21 – April 20

When one door closes, another one opens. At times like this there’s no sense hanging on to things or feeling guilt about what appears to be passing away. With a whole new raft of changes and opportunities floating in with the tide, the only way to honor the past is to embrace the future. Torn between one thing and another, it comes down to embracing the fact that what is on its way out will make room for what never got a chance to come to life. The last thing you need to do is try to control things that are not only Karmic in nature, but vital to your spiritual growth.


April 21 – May 20

It’s time to dismiss your worst fears. There is no need to over dramatize things. If everything is over the top it’s because you are on the verge of a breakthrough that will create the need to rearrange everything. The minute you translate your apprehension into a sense of anticipation the light will dawn and the next phase of your experience will have room to breathe. If there is upheaval, as everything starts to redefine itself your work will involve going to the mat with yourself and with the issues that at this point need to be left in the dust so that you can grow.


May 21 – June 20

For some reason time and luck are on your side. This state of affairs is due to run for the next nine months. Whatever you’re giving birth to is being supported by forces that exist outside of the usual box. What can’t be explained is connected to your higher self. How things go is out of your hands so drop the reins and go along for the ride. You have the innate ability to do what needs to be done and to be whoever you need to be in order to make things work. Yes of course there are stones in the road, but whoever or whatever keeps stepping on your shadow is powerless at this point.


June 21 – July 20

The doors of perception are wide open. For the first time in a long time it feels like you are making some headway into the issues that have kept you stuck in an old groove. Within that space you have recently bumped into people and things that are making a difference. Whoever it is that you never got to be is ready to go for it and the piece of you that had to be everything but yourself is waking up from a long dream. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Many things will be washed away in the process. What will be left? Hopefully the heart and soul of your truer purpose.


July 21 – August 20

You spend so much time making everything OK for everyone else. There’s nothing wrong with this, but when you get lost in it, you lose yourself to things that have nothing to do with you. This not only makes you cranky, you wind up losing your connection to what it’s all for. At the end of the day the stuff you do to care for those closest to you is meant to form the ground work for actions that a) put you in a leadership role, and b) have a powerful impact on the greater whole. Many changes are afoot. The 8-ball is definitely telling you to move on to the next thing.


August 21 – September 20

You may feel compelled to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth but it won’t work; not now. There’s a time for everything. If you drop this bomb into the situation as it stands you can be sure that others will take it much harder than you expect them to. You don’t want to deal with the consequences. Wait a bit. Give whoever this concerns enough time to get back on their feet before you sit them down and explain how they messed up. While I respect your desire to keep everything honest, revealing the truth would be too much like kicking them when they’re down.


September 21 – October 20

It looks like you made a mess of things without meaning to. The reason everything got this way is because no one told you what was going on behind the scenes. Opening your mouth would have been no problem if everyone involved was honest enough to be straight with you. Those who are quick to blame you for things that came about because you were underinformed may not be conscious enough to take responsibility for it. If that is the case, don’t be afraid to point out to them that none of this would have happened if they had been open and honest with you.


October 21 – November 20

Your work situation is shifting. It’s time to get into something that gives you more freedom to do what you love. For some of you there is a move that will go along with whatever these changes require. You are passing into a phase that has evolved out of recent reality checks. Being wise enough to roll with the punches, and having the foresight to be ahead of the game will keep the cosmic sledgehammer from doing you in. It comes down to getting real about the fact that life goes on. There is a new chapter opening up. The future is now. Don’t hesitate to turn the page.


November 21 – December 20

It’s so hard to know when we are fooling ourselves. You’re either totally certain about things or you’re going nuts wanting to know what’s up. I am sure there’s a mixture of both. This is one of those times when it will help you to remember that what we believe to be true is often a far cry from it. If the road to enlightenment is paved with disillusionment, this could be a lesson in what happens when we only see what we want to see. At the same time, things that are governed by faith and love can always go either way, so keep the faith but don’t ever hide from the truth.


December 21 – January 20

Your parental issues are leaking through the cracks. Those of you who are aware of this are better off than those of you who have yet to look at what’s up with Mom and Dad. At the end of the day all of us have to put that drama to rest. Getting to the bottom of it, and reckoning with whatever it takes to be your own person will strengthen the real you in ways that make it possible to banish everything that stands in the way of your further growth. On other fronts as the fog lifts there will be lucky breaks that reinforce your hopes and give you plenty of reasons to keep going.


January 21 – February 20

The next few months will see a lot of action in your work arena. It will help to tone down the drive to push yourself too hard. If you wind up getting sick from the daily grind, alternative healing therapies will do more good than the standard fare. Inside all of this there are other issues feeding the fire. Your relationship story is a double edged sword that goes up and down. Keep an eye on it. In some cases the 2 for 1 special drives you to overwork as a means of avoidance. You can’t see what’s up if you’re preoccupied. Being clear about where others are coming from is mandatory.


February 21 – March 20

You don’t know if you’re coming or going. At times this feels totally off, but it won’t pay to judge yourself for whatever it is that seems so crazy. You have a very unique rhythm and it’s when things seem to be going off the rails that your inner being really begins to shine. The truth is, in the midst of chaotic events you are finally beginning to get the inner and outer support that you need. From this point on expect there to be a series of miracles that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that chaos is where the best stuff takes root and allows your truer dreams to come into being.

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