On November 1, 2017

Stop whining, start winning

By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Pisces Moon. With Halloween on Tuesday, there is no better time than now to let go of the past and eliminate every last bit of refuse before the Moon turns Full in the sign of the Bull on Saturday, Nov. 4.

I don’t need to tell you that the world is in a major tailspin; anyone with half a brain can see this. Whether we ascribe this to the significance of Cross Quarters and seasonal changes or not, the thought of what it might mean to clear up our own back yard could do a lot to heal the planetary picture, and support the greater good all the way around. Faced with the type of darkness that only shows up at the tail end of the Kali Yuga, it’s time to stop whining, blaming, arguing, and wringing our hands over what is out of control and wake up to our piece of the mess long enough for the macrocosm to be lit up by what can only be transformed from within each one of us, one heart at a time.

If there is anything to add, we could look at a 90 degree aspect between Mercury and the Nodes, a hard square that points to the need to stop talking about things and start doing something about them. I am also intrigued by a conjunction between Siwa and the Sun, an aspect that hit exactness and remain in play for at least 24 hours on All Hallows Eve. Loosely translated the definition of a Sun-Siwa conjunction goes like this.

There are radical changes in ego identification and in the personality. The ideals of men undergo a huge catharsis. There are deep challenges to the core beliefs that utterly change the existing fabric of the one reality and force change. The male ego, and at the collective level, the patriarchy, is totally destroyed on the path to redemption in a process that ultimately births transformation from within.

To support the process that is awakening in the ethers, enjoy your Halloween rituals and be sure to dress up in a costume that embodies the highest expression of who you see yourself becoming in the coming year. For myself? I always dress up like a Witch and spark up two or three Seven Day Candles to pump up my dreams for the future! Let me leave you with that possibility, encourage you to dream up a few of your own, and invite you to enjoy this week’s ‘scopes.

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