On July 26, 2017

Thanks for the 29th annual Great Brandon Auction

Dear Editor,

From sun-up to sun-down (yes this rainy spring gave us perfect weather for the day) on Tuesday, July 18, Brandon was a-glow with donors, volunteers, bidders and buyers at the 29th Great Brandon Auction. After unloading our spiffy “Auction Storage Trailer” and organizing the donations that poured out from storage areas, barns, cars, and trucks, auctioneer Barb Watters went to work selling with her usual gusto and joie de vivre! With lots of bidders and hundreds of items to be sold, Barb wasted no time working the crowd and selling off almost all our goodies. Thanks so much to the team of volunteers, donors, bidders and buyers who made the auction a huge success. The grand total was over $10,000. Proceeds from the auction support the many activities and programs of the Brandon Area Chamber of Commerce and works of the Brandon Museum at the Stephen A. Douglas Birthplace. We thank all the Chamber members who donated, the private citizens who have supported us with donations for so long and everyone who helped with the success, including volunteers from Camp Betsey Cox and Camp Sangamon  in Pittsford. There are way too many people who helped to name everyone but you know who you are-Chamber Action Team! Special thanks to Calvin Loven, Naylor & Breen, Lions Club for providing great food, Roger Paquette, Rodney Bicknell & Karla and Bill Moore for use of his sound system. We had help from some newbies and some oldies this year and used their expertise with the antique side of the auction. The gang from Upscale Resale were a huge help, Mike Wilson & Charlotte Bishop were great as always! But most importantly, we couldn’t do it without the team behind the scene and on the mike- Brian Coolidge and Auctioneer Barb Watters!

See you next year!

Special note- our 50/50 raffle lucky winner went home with over $400!

Thanks again,

Bernie Carr, Brandon 

Executive Director, Brandon Chamber of Commerce 

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