On July 20, 2017

Concern over Woodstock roadwork

Editor’s note: the following letter was submitted to the Woodstock Select Board and has been edited for clarity. 

Dear Editor,

What company starts early on weekends with no permits around wet lands and brooks? The zoning administrator is on vacation and the state offices and town hall are closed.

I am the only abutting neighbor, the only neighbor for a mile west and a quarter-mile east. I have pleaded with the state, the town and the police if they could come and witness the dumping two miles from the center of town but have received no interest or witness. I have high blood pressure and ran through mud to photograph and video. I squared off with truck loads of construction wokers. I feel very old, threatened, exhausted and very alone. I see water directed towards my home downstream ad wetlands filled.

I left my telephone number for the town maneger but have not heard a reply.

James Ivan DeRosia


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