On May 17, 2017

Horoscopes for May 10th, 2017 – May 16th, 2017

Cal Garrison Mother of the Skye weekly HoroscopesCal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

Want to hear more from Mother of the Skye?
Check out Mother’s Celestial Inspirations for a deeper look into this weeks horoscopes

Mother of the Skye has 40 years of experience as an astrologer and tarot consultant.
She may be reached by email to cal.garrison@gmail.com

Horoscopes for May 10th, 2017 – May 16th, 2017


March 21 – April 20

The next round of business is about to test your patience. As far as you are concerned, you’ve been patient enough, but it looks like you have to continue to pump out concerted efforts for the next 4 months. Take a deep breath, knowing that all of this is worth it. The need to travel in order to make ends meet, and/or to bring yourself closer to those you love, will intensify an already full schedule. Never fear: time on the road will offer the chance to reflect and make it possible for new impressions to awaken your senses to whatever it takes to inspire the work that lies ahead.


April 21 – May 20

So much is coming to a head. If it feels overwhelming, the deeper part of you has been through enough to know that you can handle this. For more than one reason it might be best to let others figure out how to cover their own issues. You can’t be there for them every minute. The work situation is fraught with all kinds of politics. You keep wondering if it’s your job to keep making other people rich. If you’re too afraid to strike out on your own, you might want to realize that choices that are based on fear get us nowhere. Change is in the wind. It can only get better from here.


May 21 – June 20

You can’t please all of the people, all of the time. You can only please some of the people, some of the time. Whoever’s expecting you to dance to their tune is driving you nuts. This is a time when the tendency to get buffeted around by other people’s issues could do you in. For someone who has a tendency to scatter their energy, it would help to haul back far enough to return to center and maintain your position. You got stuck with a can of worms. Figuring out how to sort this out will require you to pull your strength from a higher power and remain true to your self.


June 21 – July 20

You’ve been holding down the fort and pulling it all together. With or without any kind of support, no matter how it looks you guys are doing well, in a situation that is by no means simple and clear cut. As the way things are opens the space for you keep going, deeper forces call you to take everything one step further. What you have poured yourself into for the last 8 months is finally ready to walk and talk on its own. So the next question might be; is there more to life than this? New horizons are coming into view as we speak. Further explorations may be in order.


July 21 – August 20

Between a rock and a hard place, many of you don’t know what to do. This isn’t easy. In situations like this it’s best to remain still and become like water. It also helps to remember that everyone else is going through their version of the same thing. In the meantime, as you wait for the future to weave itself together, you could see this as a golden opportunity to totally rewrite your script. For some of you, none of this applies and there is a much different story going on. In either case, it’s about what needs to change in order for your dreams to take you where your heart wants to go..


August 21–September 20

You have a lot going on. Up until now there hasn’t been enough time to stop and think about where things are going. In the last few days, all of a sudden you’ve begun to wonder what it’s really about. Periodic reality checks are mandatory. This one is bringing up all kinds of questions. Do you need to shift your focus? Your direction? Your location? Changes in plans and changes in the lives of your nearest and dearest are bound to cast ripples in your perfect pictures. This is one of those times when everything will go better if you remain open and flexible about everything.


September 21 – October 20

There’s no doubt you have a lot going on. As much as peace and harmony is your strong suit you always seem to find yourself in situations that are far from it. Of late your efforts to strike out on your own, and/or your desire to finally begin to reap what you have sown are ready to bear fruit. If you are surrounded by changes that are hard to explain, it’s because your whole life is about to turn a corner. As events begin to take shape many of you will need to relocate, and some of you will wind up being in two places at once. Keep the faith. Things are a little nuts for a reason.


October 21 – November 20

You have so much invested in making this work, if the power of the human will was enough, it would happen in a heartbeat. Life doesn’t happen the way it does on TV. Your intentions are one thing; time and the actions of others are another. Getting things into a place that works for everyone is the name of the game. All you can do is the best you can. No effort you put out will go unrewarded, and what rises from the ashes of deliverance will show you that the will of heaven works in mysterious ways. It’s time to lighten up enough to remain open to anything.


November 21 – December 20

Too much too soon seems to be the issue right now. The artificial fast track has managed to suck you right in. If you could slow down and take a good look at whatever you’re trying to prove, you would realize that your life doesn’t depend on this. Even if you succeed at making your point, or get this off the ground you will soon find out that it takes more that hot air and steam to get things to fly. Haul back and give this a break, or allow patience to teach you that when things are divinely ordered they sprout wings and learn how to fly independently, in their own sweet time.


December 21 – January 20

If the need to forgive and forget is an issue, it’s time to let it all go. Whatever you’re stuck on isn’t worth the energy it takes to suck that much love from your experience. All of us have been programmed to believe that we are entitled to our anger or whatever it is that ties us up in knots, but nowhere are we taught that we are just as entitled to let all of that stuff go. At this moment in time, whatever you’re holding on to is only making it harder to swim in the sea of changes that are rocking the planet right now. It’s time to drop it kids; peace and love man, let it all go.


January 21 – February 20

Navigating your family dynamics is on top of the stack right now. Don’t expect this to be easy. There’s enough going on for the issues of the past to be swirling around in an already difficult soup. With all of this, your ability to detach and rise above it all will come in handy. One particular person seems Hell bent on making themselves the centerpiece in a situation that would turn out better for everyone if they knew enough to take a back seat role. For now, if you are able to keep your thoughts to yourself, and let them play out their drama, it will save you a heap of trouble.


February 21 – March 20

Figuring out where you stop and everyone else begins is always the issue with you guys. Your boundaries are a little too permeable in general – and this is truer than usual, right now. What everyone wants and expects from you is always too much. Between your kids, your partner, your parents, and whatever the master plan involves, try drawing the line. I say this because it’s the internal piece that needs attention right now. All the money, support, and validation in the world won’t keep things rolling if you’re not solid enough inside to be clear about what you want.

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