On May 11, 2017

Aspects will push and pull

By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under a Libra Moon. I see all kinds of aspects. The issues that we associate with them will take us all over the map. By that I mean, there are some days when the stars line up to test our ability to rise above our situation and transcend our differences. An early morning square between Pluto and the Moon will put us in a position to get hogtied by the patterns that bind all of us to behaviors that belong to our “inner child.” If that aspect of our consciousness gets behind the wheel before we have a chance to arrest those impulses, by early afternoon when the Moon squares Uranus, we could be in a pickle.

It pays to be aware of the stuff that triggers us. Sidestepping the customary reactions, and knowing enough to change our tune, when and if it becomes necessary, will save us a heap of trouble. Do the best you can with this. Sometimes there’s no way around an explosion or two—and if worse comes to worse, it will at least clear the air.

All kinds of issues have us hogtied to forces that are meant to separate us. When it comes to “our differences,” on a bad day, Saturn in Sagittarius has a tendency to rile us up to the point where we wind up stomping and screaming at each other on matters of principle. Keep in mind that every single one of us is convinced that we are absolutely “right” about everything. In those moments when our self-righteous energies threaten to overtake our interactions, tape the following quote to your forehead, and remember:

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so,” said Mark Twain.

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