On April 26, 2017

Horoscopes for April 19th, 2017 – April 25th, 2017

Cal Garrison Mother of the Skye weekly HoroscopesCal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

Want to hear more from Mother of the Skye?
Check out Mother’s Celestial Inspirations for a deeper look into this weeks horoscopes

Mother of the Skye has 40 years of experience as an astrologer and tarot consultant.
She may be reached by email to cal.garrison@gmail.com

Horoscopes for April 19th, 2017 – April 25th, 2017


March 21 – April 20

Things change so fast every time you turn around something else pops up to keep you spinning. The dizzying effects of too much random interference has many of you wondering why life doesn’t want to settle down. Others have been off the charts with their issues and demands. It’s gotten to the point where you can’t make a move without someone cutting you off, or calling you on things that clip your wings. With Mars, your ruling planet opposing all of your interests, the frustration piece can only be handled by being wise enough to consider the uses of adversity.


April 21 – May 20

Pushing the envelope is something that works better in some situations than it does in others. Whatever you think you want may not be what you deserve, so check in with yourself before you go expecting too much from people, or from any situation in which compensation and recognition are an issue. Those of you who are operating from a place of love and trust have nothing to fear. Those of you who have given yourself more credit than you deserve will soon find out that others are not as enamored with you and your accomplishments as you are.


May 21 – June 20

The craziness of things is never an issue with you. For some reason, you can move in and out of any amount of insanity without batting an eye. This time, the story is a little different, and for some reason, all of your impulses are being challenged by people and things that have brought you to a tipping point. Knowing what to do next is where you seem to be lost. The last 10 years have led you to a place that made you think nothing could destroy it: now, the whole ball of wax is being threatened by what was unforeseen. Fasten your seat belts; this could get gnarly.


June 21 – July 20

Just when you thought things were going to slow down they’re speeding up again. You aren’t sure you’re ready for more but you see that you can’t stop the momentum and you sense that there has to be a reason why all of this is up to you. You have good reasons to want to step out of the picture and focus on your own affairs; it’s been too much for too long and part of you is totally exhausted. The universe seems to be expecting you to carry on with the same level of integrity no matter what. If your second wind is anywhere in sight, breathe deep and take it now.


July 21 – August 20

Someone once said, you don’t always get what you want. If this is what you need then it’s time to get with the program. So far you aren’t too enthused about where things are going; even so, the bigger part of you knows that there’s a reason for what may turn out to be nothing more than a delay. Do your best to steer clear of the tendency to try to make it all OK. The imperfections in your current situation are teaching you a great deal. Know enough to forgive yourself for not always knowing exactly what to do and let the way things are show you how to proceed. All of this will unravel before you know it.


August 21–September 20

You can’t let yourself go crazy wondering what people will do next. You act like you’re back in high school for Pete’s sake. Playing cat-and-mouse games, or planning strategies that you hope will entice others to do your bidding won’t work to attract whatever you’re trying to manifest. A little honesty and some straight forward conversation is what’s needed here. But before you can do that you’ll need to get real about what you’re really after. It’s never what you think it is. Pull yourself together and get to the bottom of your real reasons for being so obsessed with this.


September 21 – October 20

You don’t need to worry too much about where things are going; your life seems to be in God’s hands at the moment. Those of you who keep wondering why others continue to resist your overtures and invitations need to realize that they have to figure out where they stand with things before they say yes or no and before they give themselves over to something that they may not be mature enough to deal with. What you think you want is one thing, and what you can’t see is another thing altogether. It’ll take months for you to understand why things are so uncertain.


October 21 – November 20

You have managed to balance a very tenuous situation with a lot of diplomacy and a deftness at playing both ends to the middle. It’s been interesting how it’s found its way to a resolution without turning into a scene. It’ll be a while before the warring parties can ever manage to be in the same room together so don’t go pushing for too much camaraderie, and don’t expect them to bury the hatchet just because they signed a treaty. Playing the mediator for a little while longer will require you to make it clear to everyone that you are definitely not going to take sides.


November 21 – December 20

You’ve come a long way. Looking back over the last few years it’s been like some sort of initiation. If you are willing to continue to maintain the same level of honesty that you’re working with now, the next few months will reward you with more than one opportunity to get some mileage out of all the effort you’ve expended. Don’t be afraid to develop something of your very own and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t make it work. You’d be surprised what will work for you right now. Watch for signs and be open to offers of help and support.


December 21 – January 20

You can’t believe your eyes. You’re either totally amazed by what others have done to bless you, or you’re blown away by the fact that you’ve gotten through this in one piece. As the rest of the story unfolds you will be fine as long as you remain clear about who you’re dealing with, and just as aware of your own behavior. There is bound to be a lot of love and forgiveness floating around in the eye of this energy, at the still point where everything begins and ends. The only thing that matters is remaining true to yourself and knowing for sure what you want out of this.


January 21 – February 20

The next few months will bring you to a place of recognition and change. If this is hard to believe it’s only because you haven’t lifted your head up from your work long enough to see how much you’ve accomplished. Finally being valued for the effort will come with an opportunity to make a move. It could also open up new avenues of expression. Don’t let anything interfere with the things that come to pass and don’t be surprised if others have a really hard time adjusting to the idea that your growth means they finally have to wake up and smell the coffee.


February 21 – March 20

The potential to make it or break it is always there with you guys. Once again, the Gods seem to be calling you out, or begging you to prove yourself on a thousand different levels. If you look at your situation with ordinary eyes you will get nowhere. Underneath the storyline, this is the point where you finally crack the code on what it will take for you to go places, or remain stuck here. Don’t worry too much about whether you’re getting it right or making a mess of things. When one is walking the line it’s all about remaining truthful, and knowing that your life depends on it.

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