On March 15, 2017

Horoscopes for March 8th, 2017 – March 14th, 2017

Cal Garrison Mother of the Skye weekly HoroscopesCal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

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Horoscopes for March 8th, 2017 – March 14th, 2017


March 21 – April 20

It’s hard to know what to say to someone who’s on the verge of changes that could be taking a million different forms, and could go a million different ways. Balancing your life with multiple forces pulling you apart, you’re strong enough to handle it, but you aren’t sure that you can actually get this to go. So much depends on the extent to which you’re able to approach things from a sincere and authentic place. Knowing what that means could be hard for you to grasp. With everything lit up and ready to pop, you will either rise or fall, and be blinded by the light.


April 21 – May 20

You have had it up to here with people and their phoniness. It’s a good thing that you have X-Ray vision and the patience of a saint. If it’s easier to see through people than it is to forgive them, do the best you can. Those closest to you are going through the gauntlet. Their issues will keep them too occupied to really be 100 percent there for you. Don’t let it bring you down. You are their rock. So much hinges on you staying centered. Use this time to focus on what you love and do what brings you joy. Don’t pay attention to anything that undermines your spirit, and keep your light on.


May 21 – June 20

It’s a good thing you know how to play games, because you are surrounded by people and things that could get the best of you. It’s important to be your most flexible self, and to be able to call upon your ability to see every side of a situation. If you play your cards right, the next few months will unravel in ways that amaze you. As far as your cards are concerned, keeping them close to your chest wouldn’t be a bad idea. That’s easier said than done. The truthful side of your nature likes to talk. So much of what’s at stake is no one’s business; keep it to yourself for now.


June 21 – July 20

The rate of change has been astounding. In the last few weeks things have really turned a corner. You could chalk this up to a million different things but the truth is, so many adjustments have taken place inside you, life was bound to shift wildly on the outer levels. You are currently involved with others who want to go for it in a big way. There is nothing wrong with this, but don’t let yourself get washed away. After a long period of waiting you are beginning to rise up and start all over again. Where this goes? It’s too soon to tell. Be mindful of the company you keep.


July 21 – August 20

You have all the freedom in the world – but you have to give it to yourself before anyone else will know how much space to give you. At this point in time you are branching out into a new definition of who you get to be, and it will require you to step out of whatever ‘normal’ has come to mean to you. It could even involve a move. One thing is for sure; the spiritual piece is opening pathways that are lighting up the world. Keep your feet on the ground. You could easily get carried away by charismatic people and others who stand to gain something from your openness.


August 21–September 20

You can get this to work, but it’s hard to know how. Part of you wishes that you had more certainty, but you have too many loose ends, and you’re not feeling that strong these days. In some cases you may need to get off the treadmill for 5 minutes in order to see what’s going on. Sometimes the answers are easier to come by when we’re still. For others, it’s more about getting off your butt and getting into the zone where activity revives your reason for living. Getting on top of your game could take a few more months. Do whatever it takes. Be patient with yourself.


September 21 – October 20

How to proceed is the question? It’s not like you don’t know what you’re doing, but the story has changed, and the act of bridging the gap between one thing and another isn’t what you thought it would be. Anything that feels like dead weight needs to go. Before you can get this to roll you’ve got to drop all the bullshit and return to integrity. In situations like this it always comes down to: “OK; where am I coming from, what is the Truth, and where do we go from here?” Think twice about it – because you won’t be able to answer any of those questions with the same old thing.


October 21 – November 20

The whip came down and here you sit, wondering what could possibly be next. From what I can see, this is an amazing milestone. Regardless of what it has taken to get here you need to understand that you are on your way up. Years of supporting other people and their causes is giving way to a new trend. All of this experience was meant to be put toward your own thing. It doesn’t matter what form that takes – what matters right now is the idea that you are laying the foundation for the next round of fulfillment. The sooner you are able to release the past, the better.


November 21 – December 20

You aren’t sure that you can do this because you’ve never had the chance to take your life this far. Up until this moment it didn’t matter how things went. Now all of a sudden the whole show depends on whether or not you’re ready to step out of the box. Others may seem like they aren’t up for going wherever you want to go; that may or may not be true, so don’t presume, and don’t make things more complicated by assuming that they don’t need this as much as you do. The need to be strong and the ability to hold true to what’s right for you can’t be overemphasized.


December 21 – January 20

Against all odds you’ve been able to take charge of your life and make things work. Your ability to handle just about anything is astounding. Many of you are on top of the world, in good shape to take what you’ve created to the next level. Your interactions with close others have tested your trust issues to the max. At this point you have enough faith to feel safe in this situation. Those of you who have yet to sense that it’ll be smooth sailing from here on out could be troubled by factors that keep you anxious about ghosts from the past who could surface and ruin your plans.


January 21 – February 20

Here you sit with all kinds of responsibility, and more on your plate than usual. At the moment it’s swimming along just fine. How long will the ability to handle it all last? That depends totally on where you’re at with yourself. Those of you who have grown up with enough stress and difficulty to toughen your nerves will be able to walk this tightrope with no problem at all. Those of you who have had everything handed to you on a silver platter will have a tougher time standing up to the pressures that come when you’re in over your head, and too clueless to cope.


February 21 – March 20

How are you going to get from A to B? This situation is totally different than anything you’ve had to deal with before. The old methods don’t apply. Others are not going to understand this. For the next few weeks you may find yourself negotiating with people who refuse to go along with you. The fact that they could prevent you from implementing your plan should be enough to show you that you need to approach them strategically. If you’re smart, and are able to do this with love, before you know it, you will be on the same page and well on your way to the next thing.

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