By Marguerite Jill Dye
If you’ve followed “Mountain Meditation” for a while then you know how I feel about our political situation. My spiritual friends say: “Stay positive to help raise the vibration.” “Don’t worry. All is in divine order.” “There is a reason for what has transpired.” “Stay connected and act on inspiration.”
So I am turning my doubts and fears over to a higher power and focusing on visualizing good. I will strive to believe that our future is blessed and that actions will be taken for our benefit. If not, then I hope the people will demand correct action and not support injustice. It is up to each one of us to be the judge of our own state of affairs and determine what we can accept or will reject. We have a role to play in determining the future of our nation and the American way of life. We all have voices and power over our own action or inaction. If we don’t accept the challenge, then the lot we receive is our own doing.
In a democracy, voting is a citizen’s foremost responsibility. While approximately 134 million (60 percent) of our citizens cast their ballots, over 90 million (40 percent) did not. The president-elect won the electoral vote although he received 46.1 percent of the total vote, Hillary Clinton received 48.2 percent, and third party candidates took 5.7 percent, according to We still live in a democracy but many of its flaws are becoming more and more apparent. With the current challenges to our system from inside and outside our nation, maintaining our democracy requires both faith and action.
I recently attended the Course in Miracles at the Unity Church and I was reminded of our divine connection once again. We are part of the Great Spirit, and in spite of our differences of appearance, experience, and opinion, we are one. We are one with the universe and solar system, we are one with our Mother Earth, we are one with one another, and we are one with God.
Love is offered to each one of us and forgiveness is granted, too. All we need is willingness and a sense of gratitude. Miracles happen to those who ask and are open to help from without. If we remain fearful, closed, and shut down, then miracles can’t get in.
Although my heart will be with the Women’s March on Washington, my prayers will be directed to our next leader. May his heart be opened to the people’s needs and his actions on their behalf. May he be guided to do the right thing and listen to capable counsel. May he act responsibly, exercise self-control, keep us safe, and seek peace in the world.
If this doesn’t happen we’ll protest repeatedly and impeach or take legal action for the election gave no permanent mandate. Our new president will have to prove good judgement in creating new policies and work hard to gain our trust. It is said that to determine someone’s future actions, we should look at their past and listen to what they say. For this reason we will remain vigilant, but also hope and pray for the best.
I cried during President Obama’s farewell speech. I gave thanks for his composure, peaceful nature, focus, dedication, intelligence, leadership, and big heart. “Family values,” once heralded across the nation, were exemplary in the White House. In spite of relentless blocks to undermine his presidency and the outrageous “fake news” claim initiated by his successor, we have made great strides. To continue our forward motion, not backward, we will need angels on our shoulders.
So here is an “angel message” to consider: There is a duality in the universe and sometimes good can come from unexpected places. At other times it might rise out of undesirable situations. An awakening is about to take place which will yield awesome results. So don’t lose hope or faith and stay true to your values and beliefs. Stand up for what you know is right and don’t accept the unacceptable. The whole world is watching to see what will happen. They need to know that they can count on you for their own stability and security. Don’t let them down because much is at stake. Gain strength from unity and organize according to the most pressing issues. Do not allow your rights to slide by and not be defended. The struggle is for the benefit of all. Take action and do not be afraid to fight.
Your Constitution and Bill of Rights set high standards for leadership and the goals of your nation. They are fitting reminders of why America has served as a beacon of freedom and justice in the world. Demand excellence and work together for the greater good. This is your mission in the world.
Marguerite Jill Dye is an author and artist who lives in the Green Mountains of Vermont and on Florida’s Gulf Coast with her husband, Duane. She recently illustrated “Where is Sam?” by Sandra Gartner, which celebrates the loving bond between a grandmother and her grandson.
Photo by Jill Dye
A mixed up media work of art titled “2017 Coup d‘Etat”