On December 21, 2016

Horoscopes for December 14th – December 20th, 2016

Cal Garrison Mother of the Skye weekly HoroscopesCal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

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Horoscopes for December 14th – December 20th, 2016


March 21 – April 20

It’s all yours. Whatever you want is right there in front of you. Don’t hesitate to keep up the good work, and don’t over analyze whatever it took to get here. Everybody has their own process. Yours is subject the change. Others are on their way. As you continue your work, they will make their own decisions. The less you make it your business, the better. Freedom is the operative word, no matter who you’re dealing with. The rest of the story hinges on divorcing yourself from patterns and people who restrict your ability to remain faithful to the task at hand, and to yourself.


April 21 – May 20

It’s too bad you’re so far above the clouds, or so ‘above it all’ you can’t come down and look at where things are really at. Others would love to be part of your scenery. There is so much that could be shared if you could see them without judgment. I realize that you have very good reasons for keeping your distance but none of us have that much time. So much healing needs to take place. You have so much to bring to the table. Look into your heart at what has never been spoken and ask yourself if you could live through what it would take to finally get it off your chest.


May 21 – June 20

You keep thinking you need to keep this up, when it could very well be over and done. Only you can tell. It looks to me like you are at a crossroads that could even require a move. The signs keep telling you to take whatever you’re doing to the next level because it’s run its course and you are burnt out. A few months of reflection is all it will take for you to dream up your next move. The last 15 years have come full circle. What can’t keep going from here, needs to fold into something else. You already know what that is. Rearrange the scenery and start over again.


June 21 – July 20

Recent experiences are making you wonder if you even know yourself. Waking up to the reality of your situation, it’s time to summon up the courage to turn a corner. This one is huge. As you consider the series of choices that brought you here, you are now in a position of needing to be as good as your word. Whoever’s in charge has given you all the time in the world to play in the fields of the Lord. Now that you’re here, what do you want to do? Before you answer that question take a minute to rethink the prescription, and give yourself permission to write your own.


July 21 – August 20

This would be easier to handle if you weren’t so busy making it harder than it has to be. At the moment you’re not quite sure where things are going. Some of you are still under the illusion that it has something to do with you, when in reality this work you’re involved in already has a life of its own. Your successful endeavors will include experiences that teach you how to get out of the way. It’s time to trust that all of your guidance is coming from within. The heart does not lie. Following it, and trusting it implicitly in all things, will open the space for your life to bloom.


August 21–September 20

You have too much going on to get caught up in things that don’t matter anymore. The wish to rekindle the past, could easily be exchanged for the idea that it’s time to make room for things that are overdue and ready to replace what is no longer even there! Everything moves. Everything changes. Keep your heart centered in your work. Eat dessert first. Keep your ears tuned to the voice that speaks to you from the place that knows exactly what you want. This is not a superficial thing. Don’t diminish or over analyze it. Like everything else, it’s an inside job.


September 21 – October 20

“Baby steps” is the best approach in this situation. Even if you want to waltz right through it, you don’t have the capacity to move freely and you are totally unfamiliar with the territory. In addition to that, whoever’s out there isn’t sure enough about themselves to deserve your confidence! The last thing you need is to get hooked up with yet another loser who doesn’t have a clue and is out to take you for a ride. It’s OK to get acquainted but as soon as you get a faint whiff of dishonesty, trust your instincts enough to know that you’d be better off elsewhere.


October 21 – November 20

You are wiser than most, but you’ve got a lot to learn in the street smarts department. Before you sign up for this in a big way, you might want to double check to see if it’s worth the investment. It’s one thing to follow your heart, and quite another to pin your hopes on all the wrong things. Double check your motives and get clear about who you’re dealing with. This could all look perfect on paper but the devil’s in the details, and the people you’re putting too much faith in have skeletons in the closet that you can’t see. Think twice. This is either IT, or, it’s the last thing you need.


November 21 – December 20

You’ve got so much going on in the relationship area, it’s hard to know what to say. Some of you are saying ‘Goodbye’; others are saying “Hello.” Father issues are probably huge right now. Within all of this you have to much going on and it’s filling the space that is needed for a few moments of reflection. Older demons have you hogtied to things that have yet to be released. The more you can own up to your mistakes and let others off the hook, the easier it will be for you to either let go, or hang on. The only right answer in this situation is the one that works for you.


December 21 – January 20

Your best foot forward has brought you waves of success. After a long period of getting nowhere you are finally seeing results. Who knows how long this will last? Looking at what it took to create this last round of affairs, it’s obvious that you come out on top every time you take a totally novel approach. There are extenuating circumstances that include other people and their instabilities. There are one or two winners who can’t be trusted as far as you can throw them. Keeping an eye on your own issues will make it easier for others to show you what they’re made of.


January 21 – February 20

This would be more fun if you had less on your mind. Don’t minimize the need to get a few things off your chest. The next few weeks will come with a surprise that makes it easier to deal with some of the pressure you’re feeling. Surround yourself with people who keep your spirits up, and take as much time as you need for yourself. Issues in your primary relationship, and this includes the one you have with your kids, are prompting you to put your foot down for more than one reason. Don’t hold your breath. This is no guarantee that it will have an effect.


February 21 – March 20

The last few years have left you holding the bag. It’s time to pull yourself, and everything else, together long enough to make it through a very confusing stretch. The choices that were made a few years ago seemed like the right thing to do at the time. As you contemplate the way things have turned out, you realize that something has to be watching over you because this could have been a total disaster. In the midst of one more decision, the emotional component has to be factored in to the reality of things. It’s easier than it looks. Buckle up. You can handle this.

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