On December 7, 2016

This is a volatile time

Leave both weapons and baggage at the door
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye
This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of an Aquarius Moon. At around suppertime on the East Coast the Moon will turn Void-of-Course, until close to midnight when it will change signs, roll into Pisces, and start churning up the Matrix again. As far as aspects go? We’ve been under the influence of a midpoint picture that has kept Saturn stationed between Jupiter and Mars since the first of the month. By my recollection that configuration has kept the wolves at bay, during a window of time that could have seen all of us eaten alive.
By Monday morning, that influence will be off the table and another set of circumstances will kick in and either upset the applecart, or change the way we decide to handle things. For better or worse this is a volatile time.
Those of us who think we know everything are finding out that we don’t. Old prejudices are heating up, and the powers that be are pushing for a fight. Is this what we mean when we say “Saturn’s in Sagittarius?” At this stage it’s all up to us. And what happens next will go a whole lot better for everyone if we are wise and self aware enough to leave both our weapons and our baggage at the door.
As the Advent Season lights up, let’s see if we can say a prayer to keep our minds clear and our hearts open to the possibilities that live inside the dreams that we are weaving now. In a few week’s time everything that comes to life in the darkness will turn into a super-nova that lights up the Solstice. I am on my way out to check out some Christmas decorations and spark up the tree. Here’s to a beautiful day. I am happy to be alive and I hope you enjoy this week’s ‘scopes!

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