On October 20, 2016

Horoscopes for October 11th – October 18th, 2016

Cal Garrison Mother of the Skye weekly HoroscopesCal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

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Check out Mother’s Celestial Inspirations for a deeper look into this weeks horoscopes

Horoscopes for October 11th – October 18th, 2016


March 21 – April 20

You have all kinds of stuff whipping up the dirt in your relationship department. Some of it is worth the drama; some of it is nonsense. Only you can tell what’s going on here. The stakes will be high or low. It’ll be easier to live with the consequences of your actions if you’re too young to know any better. If you’re been down this road before, it’ll be fun until the Law of Karma steps in to knock you to your senses. In other areas, too much is at stake to be careless, or overconfident. Self sabotage comes in all shapes and sizes. Thin ice is everywhere. This test could kick your ass.


April 21 – May 20

Give yourself whatever it takes to stay on track. Slipping back into old patterns could squelch the better part of what you came here to do. Torn between the idea that you need to preserve your security and keep working for the man, and the thought that you have better things to do, it feels like it’s time to go out on a limb. I am here to encourage you to take that leap. The things that made life worth living before your world got filled up with fear and expectation are where your attention needs to go. It’s pretty simple. Everything will turn around once you flip this pancake.


May 21 – June 20

Getting back on track is where it’s at right now. Heavy doses of PTSD are driving you to need to settle down and simplify everything. It’s one thing to have a positive attitude and quite another to assume that it erases any chance of any sadness or negativity ever showing up in your life again. Your story is way too complex to reduce it to pat prescriptions and over-the-counter solutions. It would be great if you could haul back and give yourself a little more time to access both the damage and the grief, with an eye to allowing all of it to resurface and accelerate your healing process.


June 21 – July 20

Things are picking up and this could be the start of something big. If it’s hard to believe, your doubts are unfounded. The next few weeks will roll out possibilities, one at a time. Don’t let yourself be distracted by blasts from the past, or people and things that crop up to make you think you owe them something. Too much matters for your priorities to be intruded upon by anything but what’s next. It’s taken about a year to see the light. Now that you’re here, your viewpoint has changed enough for your current goals and plans to reflect a clearer vision of you


July 21 – August 20

The way things look, you’re having a tough time in a situation that appears to be totally blissful from here. Isn’t it funny how life has a flip side? As you try to figure out why everything feels less than perfect, know that regardless of how you see things, your lessons revolve around being here for as long as it takes to bring everything back to balance. You won’t know why, or have a clue about how important this is for a few months. There’s enough incentive to hold steady, knowing that Karmic debts are getting paid off in a saga that is spinning out one day at a time.


August 21–September 20

You can’t make any hard and fast choices at the moment. As much as the desire to move, or get out of Dodge, or get out from under the stuff that keeps all of us enslaved, propels you to wish you could walk off the set, it’ll be at least two months before you know what you want to do. Avoid the impulse to micro-manage things that require more faith in the idea that you’ll be OK no matter what. Even if you’re totally content with your situation, aspects of it are slated for upsets that will make you question your investment in things that have outlived their purpose.


September 21 – October 20

Before you jump down anyone’s throat, make sure you have your facts straight. The tendency to assume way too much is making it hard for you to get what you want out of this. Whoever’s driving you nuts might as well be 4 years old. The next time you get into a tiff with them it will help you to remember that it took them forever for them to get this messed up. Stop needing to be right about everything. If you can detach enough to stop judging them and listen to their story with an open heart you will be able to communicate well enough to fix what isn’t working here.


October 21 – November 20

You are in a discovery process that is about to take you out of the box, beyond your comfort zone, into situations that are due to challenge your well ordered perceptions. Don’t be surprised when there are comings and goings that overwhelm your defenses. There are a raft of issues about to be cleared in encounters with people who are finally ready to reciprocate. You don’t need to do much but stay on top of your game and pay attention to the signs. Hard work will pay off, and so will every effort you make to keep your ‘stuff’ from interfering with what is about to unfold.


November 21 – December 20

You’ve been out on a limb more than once. If anyone knows how to make things work when there’s nothing to work with, it’s you. At this point, you might as well go for it because there is no other option and time is of the essence. Lots of stuff is getting churned up. Family matters, along with decisions that are about to test all of your faith, need to be addressed when you’re less preoccupied with externals. None of this will be easy if you don’t give yourself room to breathe.
As you put your affairs in order, keep in mind that other people can only be there for you up to a point.


December 21 – January 20

You could be in over your head, in ways that are hard to pin down. Nobody can tell how hard this is for you – mainly because you’re geared for situations that turn out to be more than you can handle. As you keep your chin up and your mouth shut, more than one thing is not going as planned. I see more chaos than usual. I see people and things testing your limits, along with a need to set clearer boundaries and stop being so wishy-washy about making tough decisions and sticking by them. This is a huge Karmic milestone. Don’t mess it up. Everything matters right now.


January 21 – February 20

This is easier than you thought. After a whirlwind, things are settling into stable patterns that you can begin to identify. In the midst of all this people’s true colors are shining through – for better or worse – and you’re looking at what this might require from you. When one thing changes, everything changes. Give yourself a few months to observe and regroup. People are bound to test you. Remain alert to their machinations, and just as aware of the need to refuse to put up with any further bullshit. The less drama the better. You have lots of power and are calling the shots.Pisces


February 21 – March 20

There’s more than enough to distract you. On top of everything else you’ve got your hands full with personal issues, and multiple pressures that would cause anyone else to snap. I don’t know what goes on in your head when you fall asleep at night, but there’s no way to wrap your mind around a situation that defies definition. As far as other people are concerned, it’s hard to know for sure who you’re really dealing with and what you’re really up against. Trusting anyone? You have been burnt too many times. Strap on your discernment. There’s a good chance it’ll happen again.

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