On August 10, 2016

Horoscopes for August 3 – August 9, 2016

Cal Garrison Mother of the Skye weekly HoroscopesCal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

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Check out Mother’s Celestial Inspirations for a deeper look into this weeks horoscopes



Horoscopes for August 3 – August 9, 2016


March 21 – April 20

Things are a little nuts, but what the hell? This is better than you’ve had it in a long time. Without leading you to think that it will go on forever, it’s pretty obvious that you are on a roll. It’s time to get out there and work it. If you can do this without letting your ego get out of control you’re going to find that it will take you everywhere. It’s almost as if you’ve arrived at the terminal where the rest of your life is getting ready to take off. Don’t let your attachments tie you down, or hold you back. Let them go, and trust that the things that matter will be there forever.


April 21 – May 20

Things have settled down because you’ve decided not to look at them. This is one way to handle what you can’t deal with, but it will eventually take its toll. Don’t be stupid about any pressure you feel to keep pretending that you aren’t ready to scream. If telling the truth feels like it might ruin a good time, the fact is, it will set you free. Tact and timing are of the essence in situations like this. Before you expose yourself to the dangers of direct confrontation, consider taking the back road the next time you engage in conversation with whoever doesn’t want to hear you out.


May 21 – June 20

It’s hard to say how this will turn out. Impatience and frustration have given way to a willingness to take one thing at a time. The need to focus on the truth instead of denying it, matters more than you know. Others are there for this, but you can’t expect them to want to keep it up if you make it too difficult for them to put up with you. For the first time in ages you’re faced with the need to be receptive, not just to love, but to your own vulnerability and to the idea that you need to lighten up on the $ issues and the superficial stuff and get real enough to make peace with yourself.


June 21 – July 20

If you’re feeling confused it’s because your roots are being pulled out of the soil. The internal longing to return to something you can connect with isn’t being met. Logic is fruitless in situations like this. If no one seems to understand, or if you’re feeling like a stranger in a strange land, it’s because whoever or whatever you’ve defined yourself to be is no longer who you’ve always known. Be gentle with yourself and try to be flexible enough to understand that the ones you love had no way of knowing that things could change this much, anymore than you did!


July 21 – August 20

The next time you decide to let people take advantage of you, remind yourself that you always have a choice about these things. You don’t need to say ‘Yes’ when doing so makes it difficult to have a life. Those who know how to take you for a ride have been sucking your energy long enough for you to see that it’s time to turn off the faucet. On other fronts, you seem to have all your ducks in a row. The idea that ‘you can’t do this until you finish that’ will soon give way to the realization that things are about to allow you to let go of whatever’s been hanging you up.


August 21–September 20

No one can tell you what to do. Being torn in two by the things that give all of us a chance to exercise our free will, you are acutely aware of how much your decisions matter. Be aware of where you’re really at before you choose. It won’t work to try to keep up whatever you’ve been up to so far. The next phase of your life is opening to things that will require you to shed your skin and get closer to what is essential. This process will look different and be unique to each of you. Keep an eye on the fear of branching out. Lose anything that has worn out its usefulness.


September 21 – October 20

Handling your life has gotten to be more like a job than whatever you’re doing for a living. There is light at the end of the tunnel. You will be home free before the seasons change. Between now and then you’re going to have to maintain a high level of performance. Whatever this requires, you can do it with your eyes closed. The main thing right now has to do with finding joy in a routine that has gotten stale in the midst of a personal or family crisis that would give anyone cause to flip out. You’re holding your own. It’ll get easier. Find a way to fall in love with this.


October 21 – November 20

Everything’s moving faster than a speeding bullet and you are either riding this missile or you’re feeling like you missed the boat. In the latter case it’s a simple matter of letting go and jumping in as soon as you sense that you’re ready to surrender to the way things are. If you’re on top of this, you’ve got to be feeling stoked by the prospect of freedom and success. Don’t be disturbed by any of the blocks, idiots, or surprises that pop up to distract you in the next few weeks. You’ve can’t afford to waste time thinking about anything but what’s right in front of you.


November 21 – December 20

You’ve got a situation that has reached the point where you have to decide if there’s anything worth holding on to here. Very few of us know how to handle ourselves when it comes time to quit. Nothing I tell you is going to give you any more certainty than you can give yourself. For now, it might be good for you to wait and see; because there are signs that whatever you’re waiting for is on its way. In the meantime, pay attention to the things that make your life meaningful, and don’t let other people and their stuff keep you from being true to yourself.


December 21 – January 20

You would be wise to review your situation before making any permanent choices because a lot of things have changed. Instead of moving in one direction at times it becomes necessary to stop and look around. You have you own way of seeing things. It may be hard for you to understand why you’ve been placed in this position. If you think it’s right to stick to your guns your reasons for doing so have to be absolutely pure. Don’t let fear or any tendency to play it safe lock you into a situation that may look good on paper but could turn out to be nothing but trouble.


January 21 – February 20

There’s no sense getting all worked up about things. Minor infractions, repairs, and/or issues, petty BS, other people’s stuff; anything of this nature is not worth your time. For the next month or so, you need to be able to wear a big smile, be open and trusting about everything, and maintain very clear boundaries and discernment levels at the same time. The gift for holding a tight rein on things and making it all look easy is another way to put it. You know what you need to do. Others will be there for you, or not. For now, it might be best to relax your expectations.


February 21 – March 20

Too many issues keep you wondering how this will go. Things that seemed clear to you three months ago have been messed up by the games that people play. You’re so involved you can’t see anything objectively; aside from that you’ve got so much internal stuff going on, you could use a retreat to a Buddhist monastery. Somehow or other the drama quotient needs to be toned down so that you can pull things together. Only you can figure out how to shut off the noise and begin to see that underneath all this complication it’s a simple matter of “Should I stay, or should I go?”

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