On August 3, 2016

Support Phil Scott for governor

Dear Editor,

Vermonters of all political persuasions want to see our state move forward. But many Vermonters have felt like they’ve been left behind, and rightly so. So many are grappling with the growing crisis of affordability our state is facing. And the majority in Montpelier has responded by throwing more taxes and fees at the problem. There’s only one candidate for Governor who can deliver a much-needed culture shock to Montpelier, and put us back on the path to prosperity. Vermont needs Phil Scott.

For all his life, Phil’s been a hardworking Vermonter. He was born and raised in Barre, went to school at UVM, and worked at his family construction company. He’s never lost touch with his blue-collar background. He set up programs like Wheels for Warmth to support emergency fuel assistance programs for struggling Vermonters, and helped restore mobile homes after Tropical Storm Irene without costing taxpayers a dime. In Montpelier, he’s built a reputation as someone who works hard, reaches across the aisle, and gets things done without taking credit. That’s rare in a building filled with all too many egos.

The majority of the Rutland County Legislative Republican Delegation, as well as Rutland County’s only Independent State Representative, are proud to support Phil Scott for Governor. Phil will restore much-needed faith in trust in government, ensure that state government lives within its means, move off of Vermont Health Connect, and invest in crucial areas like economic development.

Scott’s campaign has stressed a positive, issue-focused message. He’s aired ads that set a good example for our children and the next generation of Vermonters. His opponent, Bruce Lisman, has spent $1.5 million of his Wall Street fortune in an attempt to mislead Vermonters with desperate attacks and misleading charges. Phil’s campaign epitomizes Vermont values and The Vermont Way.

We hope that you’ll join us on Aug. 9 in requesting a Republican ballot and voting for Phil Scott for Governor.

Senators Peg Flory (R-Rutland County), Kevin Mullin (R-Rutland County), Brian Collamore (R-Rutland County), and Representatives Lawrence Cupoli (R-Rutland City), Peter Fagan (R-Rutland City), Thomas Terenzini (R-Rutland Town), Tom Burditt (R-West Rutland), Butch Shaw (R-Pittsford), Bob Helm (R-Fair Haven), Bill Canfield (R-Fair Haven), Pattie McCoy (R-Poultney), Dennis Devereux (R-Mount Holly), and Alyson Eastman (I-Orwell).

Butch Shaw, state representative Brandon-Pittsford-Sudbury

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