On August 3, 2016

It’s time to go out and play!

By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Cancer Moon, at the peak of the Lammas Crossquarter. This is an incredibly powerful time. Anyone who is paying attention can feel it. The instructions at this time of year are simple and direct: Rejoice, celebrate, and fill your days with whatever it takes to remember how incredible it is to be alive.

With that in mind I have followed my own advice and gone back to the North Shore of Massachusetts to hang out with my kids and swim in the sea. If you could beam in on where I am at right now it would blow your mind. We are having a ball and I am not in the mood to think, or get overly intellectual about anything.

In this groove for the next couple of weeks, by the time I get back I will be fully recharged by the ocean, and completely infused by all of the love that surrounds me. On any other day of the week I would be more than willing to diagnose what’s going on in the heavens — but I’ll tell you what; at the moment my mind and my attention are focused 100 percent on what’s happening right here on Earth.

As I grab a towel and head down to the beach, let me leave a note for anyone who is a regular reader of this column to remind you to get out of your mind. It’s time to go out and play! Have as much fun as you possibly can, and enjoy this week’s ‘scopes!

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