On June 22, 2016

Horoscopes for June 15 – June 21, 2016

Cal Garrison Mother of the Skye weekly HoroscopesCal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

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Horoscopes for June 15 – June 21, 2016


March 21 – April 20

The last year has altered the scenery just enough so that it’s now time for a few small repairs. Any arrangements that have been made need to be adjusted to accommodate rapidly changing circumstances. As you do your best to work around people who are either in the way, or who are just here for the Beer, know that you will know exactly how to handle them when it comes down to the wire. In the meantime, there’s no sense rocking the boat in the middle of the stream. Hold your horses; all of this will work out better if you let it fall into place without forcing things.


April 21 – May 20

Once you come to terms with the fact that you can’t keep this up, it’ll be easier to rearrange things. Do your best and see what comes of it. What’s going on right now is making you wonder if everything you’ve been told bears any whiff of truth. So much has flown out the window, you’re looking at the need to get real. Reassessing the situation, it comes down to realizing that all the money in the world isn’t going to change this. Another force needs to come to life before you can re-group and be strong enough to continue, and before close others will show their true colors.


May 21 – June 20

At a time when you could use double doses of clarity, your perceptions are out of shape from having way too much on your plate. The flexibility demands are bigger than ever. Your peeps are either on the same bandwidth, or they’re having trouble trying to figure you out. If you’re less interested in being their dream date, it’s only because you have a raft of stuff that has to happen before you have space to breathe. Don’t try too hard to please those who need more than you have to give. Life goes two ways. If they cared about this, they would know enough to let you be.


June 21 – July 20

Whoa baby! This is getting interesting. Now that you’re on your way back to yourself, a whole new “Being” is emerging from the shadows, ready to enter your life. It’s amazing what happens when we reclaim ourselves and let everyone know that we’re back. God works in mysterious ways. The road has been easy or rough, depending on what it has taken for you to get the picture. I don’t need to tell you that everything is a test. Lots of people and things are bound to come and go. Don’t get too concerned when others have trouble adjusting to a more accurate version of you!


July 21 – August 20

You’ve pushed the envelope far enough. The consequences of your actions are about to shine through if they haven’t shown themselves already. God knows how this will go. You could have easily thrown the baby out with the bathwater in a situation where all the wrong people were there to catch it. If that’s how it looks, learning to live with it has riled up those close to you. If none of this applies, I suspect that you’re making headway in a situation that is about to lead you into things that will finally allow you to succeed at what you love best, in a whole new location.


August 21–September 20

The best things keep happening and it looks like you have it made. Part of you is blown away, because you’re not one to go looking for accolades, or yearn after the things of this earth. With blessings like this raining down the bigger part of you is wondering how to make the best of it. You’ve lived long enough to know that the other shoe is bound to drop — and that’s OK too; it’s the old ebb-and-flow. But right now, what matters more than anything is the ability to cultivate a willingness, and create the space and time, to focus every ounce of your energy on your sacred work.


September 21 – October 20

You keep going at it with everything you’ve got. A few more months and you just might be out of the woods. If you feel tentative it’s because you’re unsure of yourself. There is no justification for this, but too many issues have converged to make you wonder if you’re going to be OK. Uncertainty is a condition here on planet Earth. Learning to live with it is how we get to find out if we’re worth our salt. Don’t get your panties in a wad, but don’t sink into over confidence either. If others can’t be there for this, or be there for you don’t fall apart at the seams; you can do this!


October 21 – November 20

You finally brought yourself to spill the beans, and/or let people have it. It’s about time. As thoughts of what it could cost you make you doubt yourself, you are just as clear that all of this needed to get stirred up. There will be dramas galore, but never mind: you are good at weaving in and out of any kind of plot. When people show up to make amends, don’t be too quick to assume that they haven’t come back to use you/abuse you, yet again. It would be great if you had an excuse to split. With better things to do, consider the virtues of a short hiatus to focus on what matters.


November 21 – December 20

With all the fur that’s flying around thank God you’re here to handle it. This is one of those times when your messed up childhood is appearing to have its good points – because if you hadn’t been through That mill, you wouldn’t have a clue about how to get through this one. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, whatever’s going on, it’s up to you again. Now that you’re here, take a look at where you were at the first time you remember feeling this way and do what you can to piece it together. You have too much on your hands as usual. Don’t let it obscure the need for self reflection.


December 21 – January 20

How things are going could be anyone’s guess. You guys are between a rock and a hard place trying to figure out how to turn into water. On whatever level that your trials are occurring, it will help you to know that it couldn’t be any other way right now. Stepping into this and owning more intensity than you’ve ever seen in your life will change you, for better or worse. All kinds of decisions have to be made. They include questions re: ‘moving on’, ‘moving on up’, or moving out’! Where to go from here? The answer to that one will require a little more time.


January 21 – February 20

You are amazing when it comes to being able to shine things on. That gift is going to come in handy over the next few weeks – because there are bound to be situations that tie you up and create enough friction to rile you up. Don’t get dragged into anything that doesn’t belong to you. There is too much needing your attention, and all of it is way more important than what other people are about to throw at you. You know better than anyone, who and what matters. With what sits up on the road ahead, you’d do better to hit the beach and relax before you handle it.


February 21 – March 20

Sitting here in limbo is what it looks like right now. If you only knew the extent to which things are about to change. Some of you are already in the thick of it. There is a sense that the only solution lies in knowing how to relax and float – because there is no way to push the river, and the water is too turbulent to swim in. Oodles of protection surround a situation that requires more Zen mastery than you’ve ever had to process. It doesn’t matter if it’s a private affair, or a big business deal, something out of the ordinary is about to alter your reality, irrevocably.

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