On June 8, 2016

Hades-Moon conjunction creates bolt of darkness, intensity

By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Cancer Moon with aspects that could easily throw us off kilter before we pick up our coffee. The day begins with a conjunction between Hades and the Moon, and this is what’s got me thinking that it’ll take a double dose of self-awareness to make it through the morning.

If we take the Moon to be our emotional state, our sense of safety, our sense of belonging, and whatever we associate with the whole concept of being comfortable in our own skin, it’s conjunction with Hades is bound to throw a bolt of darkness and intensity into things that feel a whole lot better when they are unencumbered by sadness, and/or the weight of the past.

Looking at the list of issues that come up when these two bodies get together, we could start with depression, and go from there to situations in which the female component is diminished or undermined in some way. In its most mundane expression this aspect translates as any activity that involves  ‘menial chores’, or ‘dirty work’. According to asteroid genius, Martha Lang-Wescott, Moon-Hades aspects create the following types of conditions and situations:

“Difficulties with bacteria, and micro-organisms associated with digestion. To see people humiliated for their emotional reactions. Feelings and memory exorbitantly tied to the past. To contend with depression. To see a decline for women, or the general public. To note that there are secrets about the past. Contact with sad, subordinate, malicious, lonely, or ill females. Depression in connection with mothering, home, mother, or family. To interact with women who do menial tasks. To dissect the formulation and construction of the feelings of the past. Difficulty through the decline, or class of the mother. To see the assumption or assignment of women to subordinate status. Sad memories.”

Yes, there are a ton of other aspects we could discuss. If I choose to emphasize one over another, I zero in on this Moon-Hades thing because it has enough clout to cast a pall over the whole week. Another way to put it would be to say that we’re waking up to a form of collective PMS that is bound to test our Inner Child and our Inner Grown Up, to the max. The good thing about a Moon-Hades connection is that in its highest expression it opens the space to confront the last thing we want to see. If we don’t succumb to our issues, by lunch time it would be great if we could be far enough over the hump to get to the bottom of them.

The Moon- Hades energy is alive and well; let’s hope I have a handle on it. Here I sit writing a column that originated 25 years ago, under the name, “Mother-of-the-Skye.” A B-movie, titled “Deadlier than the Male” is playing in the background, the cat is on my lap, and my three children, along with my step-children are running through the back of my mind. The roses are blooming, the birds are singing and I am clear enough to be reminded of something from Rumi, which says:

“If you only have time for one prayer a day, let it be the one that says, ‘Thank You’”

Take that to heart, cross your fingers, do whatever it takes to get over yourself, and enjoy this week’s ‘scopes.

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