On May 11, 2016

Take time in the morning to reflect

By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Void-of-Course, Gemini Moon. No matter which coast we live on, by the time we sit down for our morning coffee, the ‘free-for-all’ energy that shows up with every Void-of-Course (VOC) moon will be alive and well until about 10:30 a.m. out West and until around 1:30 p.m. back East.

Between the Gemini archetype that loans diplomatic license plates to anything we undertake, and the ‘do-whatever-you-please’ vibe that governs every VOC period, our plans for the morning will turn out better if we give ourselves room to show up late, not show up at all, and/or goof off for the first half of the day.

The planet Jupiter, which has been retrograde since Jan. 7, will turn around and go direct at around the same time that the moon goes Void-of-Course. This is an interesting combination of events. For close to four months the planet that governs the good things in life — our spiritual aspirations, our faith, our sense of abundance, our sense of generosity, and any sense that brings us closer to the dictates of the higher self — has been circling around in its retrograde mode. During that interval, due to the nature of the retrograde phenomenon, the Jupiter frequency has had to channel itself inwardly.

What this means is, whatever we have been able to manifest in the form of wealth and abundance has relied upon the knowing that everything comes from within.

As soon as Jupiter goes direct, a change occurs. And if the understanding and the inner connection that has formed during the retrograde phase is clearly and fully embodied, whatever we want, including our dreams, becomes manifest at the physical/concrete level (or not) when Jupiter goes direct.

Pay close attention to how things are either showing up with bells on, or how they’re not there at all. Some of us will have to reorient our compass to more closely aim it at the truth: some of us will be given pause to reflect upon where our faith lies.

If the first few hours of the morning are ours to do whatever we please, it’s perfect that Jupiter’s forward motion will commence at a time when we have all the freedom in the world to reflect upon the connection between where we’re at inwardly with where we’re at outwardly. Everything about us reflects the state of that connection: all of it shines through. As you consider what that looks like in your world, check in with your creative process, make adjustments where needed, and take what you can from this week’s ‘scopes.

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