Shifts in consciousness
By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye
This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Sagittarius Moon, in the aftermath of our annual date with the Easter Bunny. If we have managed to transcend the negative side-effects of whatever he left in our Easter Baskets, we are waking up to a mixed bag of energy that will be easier to manage if we know enough to let 90 percent of it slide.
Letting-go-and-letting-God can be tricky business. It’s one thing to hold that intention, and quite another to release the forces that stand in our way. A conjunction between Venus in Pisces, and the Moon’s South Node suggests that we need to watch the tendency to be agreeable about the wrong things. Saying “yes” when we mean “no,” and having to live with the consequences, doesn’t work for any of us.
Relationships that diminish our self-worth, and situations in which money is confused with some sort of emotional exchange, could become problematic for those of us who are too afraid to go for the real thing, or who see ourselves as a “soft touch.”
Longer term issues that relate to living a lie or living our truth are forcing us to make decisions that are being punctuated by hard aspects between Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and the Nodes. With Chiron close enough to be layering a dose of his ‘out there’ energy over all of it, there is a good chance that a loop hole, or a surprise from an unexpected quarter, will come along to change the story and move things in a new direction. If this rings a bell for any of us, know that radical trust, along with a need to surrender our ‘greed for security,’ are the cure for what ails us. This is no time to be too afraid to go out and get a life.
There are hundreds of aspects in play at any given moment; all of them move and fluctuate according to the planets and their rate of daily motion. Picking and choosing which aspects to talk about is always a conflict for me. Looking over the points that have us in their crosshairs at the moment, the one that is screaming at me the loudest is a square between Mercury and the asteroid, Siwa.
This is a deeply transformative aspect that says, “Our minds are changing.” Within difficulty, all of us are being asked to turn the crystal around and look at ourselves, and our lives from a completely different angle. In the midst of a consciousness shift rearranging our minds could require us to flip everything upside down; don’t be averse to that possibility. Yes we are in the thick of a polar shift. Keep the focus in the center, close to your heart, do whatever it takes to release your fears, pay attention to the fact that we are not in Kansas anymore, and enjoy this week’s ‘scopes.