On March 23, 2016

VBSR celebrates signing of paid leave law

Dear Editor,

A new Vermont law extending paid time off benefits to tens of thousands of workers is good for the state’s economy and will result in a healthier and more stable workforce.

Governor Peter Shumlin signed H.187, an act relating to the absence from work for health care and safety, into law Wednesday morning, March 9. Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility (VBSR), a statewide business association with more than 760 members, and the organization’s business members spent four years advocating for the bill at the Vermont State House.

The new law recognizes that many Vermont businesses are already offering this benefit to employees by allowing for paid time off policies such as personal days, vacations, and combined time off packages, to substitute for paid sick days.

VBSR and their members are thankful for the support of Governor Shumlin, House Speaker Shap Smith, and Senate President pro tem John Campbell on this important legislation. In the Vermont House, Representative Helen Head, Representative Tristan Toleno, Representative Tom Stevens, Representative Sarah Copeland-Hanzas, and Representative Jill Krowinski were important advocates for this bill. Additionally, Senator Philip Baruth and Senator Kevin Mullin were instrumental in building support for the bill in that chamber.

Daniel Barlow, public policy manager, VBSR

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