On February 10, 2016

Up from the ashes

By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a brand-new, Aquarius Moon, with a bevy of aspects that make it seem like we will be totally blissed-out and completely in accord for the next week or so. On the surface, who knows? Positive energy moving between retrograde Jupiter, the North Node of the Moon, and transiting Mercury, Venus, and Pluto, along with a waxing trine between Saturn and Uranus make it easy to assume that life is going to be “roses, roses” between now and the next time we speak.

This is where the saying “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” reminds me to look past the surface and get down to the bone. Deeper aspects between Siwa and Siva underscore volcanic forces that could take the Happy Face off our predictions and make things pretty hairy for the next week or so. If we are the least bit hesitant to wrestle with our demons these two asteroids will come down harder on us than they will on those of us who are totally willing to give it up. Siwa and Siva embody the destructive principle, as it relates specifically to our experience of “The Father.”

On a personal level, with a hard square between the two “destroyers,” what is being destroyed revolves around The Father, Authority, The Boss, the Teacher, the Guru, Chauvinism, Tradition, Dogma, and anything that smacks of male supremacy. On a global scale, the square between Siwa and Siva is all about the downfall of the Male Paradigm as it reaches the point of greatest conflict.

ALL of us are being pitted against our deepest, darkest issues. And the last thing we want to see is just about to come along to wipe out anything that has gone out of integrity, and/or anything that has been vaccinated by falsehood. The total and complete annihilation that goes hand in hand with these over the top archetypes is all over the place right now. With a million reasons to wonder how bad it might get, we’d do better to focus on the thought that up from its ashes something new and finer will find room to come into being.

No aspect is an island, and this square between the two “destroyers” is getting t-boned at the midpoint by the asteroids Apollo and Apollonia in an opposition to the Fixed Star, Caput Algol. Loosely translated what we are talking about here comes down to repeated and persistent difficulties with The Father that make it hard to get any clarity. In any situation, everyone involved will seem to need more experience, and/or more evidence before they will be willing or able to come to terms with the fact that it’s time to change.

There are bound to be scenarios where people push at each other in destructive ways.

As the Sun gets closer to the 24th and 27th degrees of Aquarius, the transiting Sun will trigger this configuration in ways that will bring lots of things to a head. There could be challenges between the 15th and the 18th of February. Not to be a “Debbie Downer” but Caput Algol is a malefic star. It governs decapitation, losing one’s head, damage to the neck and throat, fires, sickness, murder — the list is old, and it goes on and on. Ultimately it’s all quite simple. In situations like this the only remedy is the Truth and a willingness to get close enough to the bottom of things to be able to release everything that keeps us from facing it. Keep this in mind and let it add a deeper framework of meaning to this weeks’ ‘scopes.

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