On February 4, 2016

Milk, sap and life-generating forces of the “mother”

By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Scorpio Moon, with aspects that, while they might give us plenty to chew on, don’t hold a candle to what’s going on in the larger scheme of things. For those of you who don’t know, the week between Feb. 1-7 is known as “The midwinter cross-quarter,” otherwise known as: IMBOLC, Candlemas, and/or Saint Brigid’s Day.

If this is news to you, it’s because we don’t honor Mother Nature, or rejoice in the slow turning of her rhythms the way we once did. When Pope Gregory rearranged the calendar, our connection to the Great Mother got severed by forces that needed to erase the thought that there was anything feminine about this place. Every time February rolls around I get to wondering if our alienation from the natural world has completely screwed us up, or if the Saints will finally show up to preserve us from 13,000 years of male programming?

Here in the states, the ones who decide what we get to celebrate have eliminated every trace of what empowers the mid-winter cross quarter, by consecrating it to a homo-erotic, macho- mini-war that has come to be known as “Super-Bowl Sunday.” To add insult to injury, on or near the same date, the ground hog shows up, like some sort of derogatory inside joke, to turn any of the magic that might have blessed this part of the annual cycle, into a strange hex involving a small group of male onlookers and a Pennsylvania Woodchuck in his hole.

Where is Freud when we need him?

Doesn’t it seem a bit strange that on the most totally female cross-quarter, the one where the womb of creations opens up the floodgates through which the juice that flows into all of our dreams must past, that the people in charge would replace customary rituals with a steroid-enhanced gladiator contest.

As the Titans of anabolic madness prepare to duke it out in the cold, it might be a good idea  to get in touch with what’s really going on here. If you love football, that’s fine, but to waste the energy that fills this season by shooting it up with testosterone is absolutely insane because in this very moment all of the might, and power on the planet are about to come barreling out of female forces instead.

Back at the Winter Solstice a spark lit up in the heart of creation. That energy moved out from the source, and the information it contains has taken approximately 40 days and 40 nights to reach us here on planet Earth. On or near the first of February, that spark penetrates the Earth’s crust and makes a bee-line for her core. By the time the sun hits the 15th degree of Aquarius, the juices that fill the womb of the great mother begin to rise into the milk that fills the breasts of all of the warm-blooded creatures, and into the sap that gives life, not just to the trees, but, to every, living thing.

These juices are alchemical in nature. They are powered by the same force that birthed the planets, and they are filled with the secret that keeps everything spinning in perpetual motion. The point, at this time of year, is to remember that any dream that we wish to bring forth in our lives is ready to be carried into manifestation along with the currents of milk and sap that are about to come gushing out of the belly of the great mother.

It is an enormously powerful time.

This is the moment when every atom and molecule in the universe is like a crystal that can be programmed with new dreams, and new thoughts and visions for the future. And in the week that falls between the first and the seventh of February, life is less about the Panthers and the Broncos, than it is about what we would like to create, and see blossom in our lives by the time the sun meets the Vernal Equinox.

Consider your visions, write them down, keep the candles burning all week, and at some point between now and Feb. 7, take the paper that has your dreams written on it, and burn it in a metal bowl. Then take those ashes, sprinkle them into a pitcher, fill the pitcher with milk, and on a night when you feel moved by what we are talking about here, go out into nature, and pour the milk, and all of your visions for the coming year, into the ground. I hope that you take this to heart, that you pour your heart into your dreams, and that you enjoy this week’s ‘scopes!

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