On January 14, 2016

Horoscopes for January 6 – January 12, 2016

Cal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

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Horoscopes for January 6 – January 12, 2016


March 21 – April 20

Wait and see how things roll out. Sudden surprises that change your position will put many of you in the cat-bird seat. Everything rests on your ability to operate impeccably. Being the best at whatever you do is what it comes down to. How you bring this to light depends so much on the way your beliefs about yourself keep you connected, not just to your gifts but to the truth. Make sure your motives are clear. Your ego has a way of going off the rails. This won’t help. The ability to remain steady, and totally in touch with your own authenticity, is essential right now.


April 21 – May 20

The way things are going you’re ready to let somebody else handle it; either that or you’re trying to figure out what needs to happen for this to work. In a state of transition it’s nuts to expect anything to be simple and clear. The distance between you and others is real, or metaphoric. No matter how it looks the lesson seems to be about being on your own long enough to reconnect with what’s true for you. Others will be there for you or not. At this point everything depends on what you do to pull your work and your heart together as the next round of changes unfold.


May 21 – June 20

Things have panned out in ways that have made you truly glad you didn’t lose track of your faith. It’s been a true test of your willingness to let things be. If the last few months have been rough, the corner you just turned is about to show you that life goes better when we let our experience teach us what works and what doesn’t. No amount of forcing your will on this situation could have improved it. When it comes to other people and their ideas about where you need to go from here; you knew enough to shut off your control trips – don’t succumb to theirs.


June 21 – July 20

The stress that comes from trying to be all things to all people is making you wonder why you do this. The static coming from the family sector could be off the charts. Finding your way through this will be harder for those of you who have yet to process your childhood stories. Finding out that nobody sees things the way you do, and knowing how to get your needs met even when nobody in the room knew you had any, is what this is all about. Don’t expect to feel comfortable as the truth about yourself and others becomes obvious in encounters that overwhelm your defenses.


July 21 – August 20

As you try to understand why your best laid plans wound up taking this detour, you are amazed at how lucky you are that it went this way. No one could have prepared you for the way this part of your life has opened your heart. Something even more wonderful is about to be born. How it shows up in real time could bring you more attention and recognition than you’ve ever received. If it doesn’t surface that way there will be an enormous sense of peace and calm, not just around you and your situation but around the inner ‘knowing’ that this is right where you belong.


August 21–September 20

Oh boy! So much is winding down and gearing up all at once you don’t know if you’re coming or going. It’s OK. You aren’t out of control, you’re just learning that it’s OK to let go. Those closest to you have no idea what you’re dealing with. Don’t make them responsible or hold them hostage to whatever you can’t explain. If you can stop making judgments about the way things look and begin to realize that recent upsets actually ended up clearing the air, a whole new way of approaching your work and your love life will show you that it ‘s no good to get too set in your ways.


September 21 – October 20

What it comes down to is how can you turn what’s going on right now into something that has enough substance to keep you going over the long haul? The thought that you could wind up in the poor house is never far away. Recent windfalls haven’t erased the need for something steady and consistent. As you work on feathering your nest others have their own opinion. Don’t get caught up wondering how they see it. This is too fraught with past life issues and whatever you’ve invested in things that flew south for you to worry about anything but what YOU want.


October 21 – November 20

After a tense interlude you are out of the woods. Thank God. Recent changes have yielded opportunities to makes a few waves and take care of yourself at the same time. Deep connections with others are teaching you so much. Whether you realize it or not you’ve got your hands full – because someone wants more out of this and you aren’t quite ready for whatever they have in mind. Give it a few weeks to unravel. If you over analyze, or try too hard to second guess where others are at, you’ll have a tough time making the best of a potentially positive and lucrative situation.


November 21 – December 20

You’re going at warp speed with a steady sense of whatever it takes to remain grounded in unusual conditions. Other people want a piece of you. You are smart enough to know how to make the most of whatever that might become. What you might want to ask yourself is if it will work to get mixed up with anyone right now. You can’t afford to have other people and their stuff hold you back. Being a little too open and perhaps even more trusting, make sure you check everyone out thoroughly before you decide partner up or throw your hat in the ring with anyone.


December 21 – January 20

How this will eventually turn out? Your guess is as good as mine. There is so much to suggest that you’ve got it all under control. The last few years have made you so gun shy, this is hard to believe. Drastic measures, and the idea that you have to pull some heavy strings to make your dreams come true – these things have been turning your mind in knots. In situations where there is nothing you can do to turn the tide, the ability to do nothing is the saving grace. Others are not going to respond to pressure. Softer tactics are called for. No tactics at all could totally save the day.


January 21 – February 20

Reflecting upon the last few years you are seeing the extent to which time and experience have changed you. The choices that are arrayed in front of you now are giving you a chance to see all of this in a whole new light. Others don’t know what to make of it. Their responses have less to do with you than they do with their own fears. The best you can do is keep being who you are and give everyone else enough rope to hang themselves. You’re on the right track and are past needing to apologize for what at this point is more about destiny than it is about pretending to be normal.


February 21 – March 20

You wish it was someone else’s job to make these decisions. The sense that everything is final, and the thought that there’s no going back keeps you on the fence. The clock is ticking and it’s time to come to terms with whatever this is about. Lose the idea that anything is written in stone. Draw the line, one way or another and see if you can live with it. The next few weeks will give you space to sift through the pros and cons that keep you swimming in opposite directions. Go easy on those closest to you. Keep reminding yourself that everyone is doing the best they can.

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