On January 7, 2016

Planets put a warlike spin on our mental patterns

By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Scorpio Moon, with enough planetary movement to give us something to talk about.

For starters, Mercury and Mars have just changed signs and they just so happen to be squaring each other. Mercury, in Aquarius, rules the mind and Mars, now at the first degree of Scorpio, governs our adrenals. When the two planets are 90 degrees apart, they are running at cross purposes and are ill disposed towards each other. This puts a warlike spin on our mental patterns that heats up the thoughts and generates a lot of defensive, argumentative energy.

It will be interesting to see how we deal with what is messy enough to begin with, because Mercury is just about to turn retrograde, and will do so in the next 24 hours. It will remain in that mode until Jan. 25.

We all know about retrograde Mercury. Three times a year it spends three consecutive weeks appearing to move in reverse. This part of its process gives us a chance to review our best laid plans and reconsider whatever was on top of the stack on the day that it started its backward motion.

Check out your issues as they stand at the moment, knowing that nothing is final and that all of it could look very different three weeks from now. Until then, remember that the left brain functions are out of commission when Mercury is retrograde. Keep this in mind and don’t expect your big ideas to find their way into manifestation with no trouble at all. If the universe has other thoughts about where your life needs to go, many things will get rearranged before it turns direct.

It’s interesting to note that all of this is happening in the shadow of a Venus-Neptune square, in the middle of the Epiphany celebrations. Dissecting this one has blown my mind. When Venus squares Neptune, our denial mechanisms have a tendency to get the best of us. We see what we want to see. We believe anything. We are sleeping blissfully, next to our illusions. If an epiphany is, by definition, a wake-up call, ask yourself: would such a thing even be possible under a hard Venus-Neptune aspect? It seems oxymoronic.

How do we wake up at a moment in time when our mental apparatus is off the hook and all of our most cherished illusions keep us from seeing anything in its true light? Who knows how it will play out? In the short run, there will be signals on Jan. 25; the rest of the story? It will not be clear until springtime, on or near April 20.

From what I can tell, the next few months will see us awakening to the last thing we want to see, whatever that involves, individually and collectively. There’s so much to say about this, and there are so many other aspects to consider, it’s hard to know when to stop trying to. For now let me leave you with this week’s ‘scopes, wish you a joyous epiphany, and bless you with whatever it takes to create enough gold, frankincense, and myrrh to make your dreams come true.

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