On December 31, 2015

Horoscopes for December 24 – December 30, 2015

Cal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

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Horoscopes for December 24 – December 30, 2015


March 21 – April 20

It’s hard to see where things are going when your eyes are riveted on one, particular outcome. Expanding your focus will ease some of the tension around things that have you looking too hard for results. Life doesn’t run on time. You are someone who needs instant gratification. If you feel like you’ve waited long enough, watch and see what happens between the day after Christmas and the end of the year. Things are going to take off in ways that are only predictable up to a point. Strap yourself in and get real enough to be 100 percent free of any need to let your issues mess you up.


April 21 – May 20

You’ve got so many reasons to live. Surrounded by people who are sick and suffering has shown you what your life is worth. This thought has sifted down through tons of superficial nonsense. Awakening to simplicity is where it’s at for you all, right now. The gifts that you were born with take many forms. Bringing them to the surface? Where do you start? The most important thing is always hiding underneath the stuff that gives you joy. Joy? It lives beyond the senses. The next thing is waiting for you on the heels of changes that make all of this matter more than anything.


May 21 – June 20

You don’t need to keep playing games. It’s time to get on with whatever you really came here to do. For far too long you’ve been running around being all things to all people. Recent connections, and totally unexpected experiences have opened the space for you to feel a whole lot freer about being yourself. A little time off to rethink your plans will make it easier to give yourself enough slack to stop the madness and follow your heart. Others are making things easier for a change. This has something to do with the fact that you have stopped pushing their buttons.


June 21 – July 20

As you wonder why you can’t get into your usual gear, you might want to ask yourself why you think any of us functions with a single MO. The tendency to judge yourself according to your level of productivity could be tempered with the realization that sometimes the act of doing nothing at all is the most productive thing. Besides, you guys are at a major life turnaround, anyone can see it. Give yourself space to breathe, and let what you inhale replenish the well of inspiration with dreams that are big enough to hold whatever’s next in the heart of what you’ve already created.


July 21 – August 20

Finding your strength will be easy once you stop looking for it in other people. At this point they can’t do much but make your situation harder. If you are already losing it for lack of support, it’s up to you to behave like a grown up long enough to achieve some level of sanity. Part of the problem is the lines of communication are down. Beyond that, too many people are confusing the issues with the kind of petty gossip that comes up whenever there is this much to talk about. Balance is what’s needed here. Do you know where to look now that it’s your turn to provide it?


August 21–September 20

Stretching your limits is the key to so much of what’s going on with you right now. You have become a slave to expectation. In other words; your beliefs about what’s possible and your ideas about the way things are supposed to be’, need to be reframed in light of experiences that defy analysis. Nothing is what we think it is and there is no set prescription for getting through anything. You may think this needs to go a certain way, but if you leave things alone and step out of the way you just might tune into a miracle, and learn more about life in the process.


September 21 – October 20

Coming out of the woods you are feeling signs of life and an urge to deepen your spiritual connection. Times like this give you a sense of perspective that make the stresses of the last few years seem worth it. You are by no means free and clear, but for one moment you’ve come to a place that knows why all of this needed to happen. As the season reminds you to go within, those close to you may have other things in mind. Don’t let their issues overtake you. The last thing you need is a setback. Lighten up, shine them on, and reclaim the part of yourself that has decided to live again.


October 21 – November 20

You just walked into something huge. How this will play out? Give it three weeks to simmer and don’t get too invested in the outcome. You know enough about how life works to back off when the impulse to push the river suffocates the realm of possibilities. Life is at a switching point for sure. The best approach is to shift into neutral and see what comes out in the wash. As far as intentions go? It comes down to whatever is in everyone’s highest good. Knowing what that might be? Circumstances will reveal the truth to you. Watch closely and listen to your heart.


November 21 – December 20

The spotlight keeps moving around from one issue to another. It’s never just one thing. In your world the kaleidoscope is much more intense than it is for the rest of us. The need to keep rearranging the scenery is being fueled by the craving for change. For some of you this is creating too much upheaval. Things that you are totally unprepared for will combine with the arrival of someone who hasn’t shown their face in a long time, to show you that order is born out of chaos, and to tell you that the next best thing is about to show up in the form of a surprise


December 21 – January 20

You’re at a huge checkpoint. Between your kids, and your lovers, and the relationship that you’re not having with yourself, things are pretty intense. Your partner’s not making it easier. Your own tendency to have it all under control is driving you to consider manipulations that could cause all of this to fly south. You know better than to play games. Don’t let your fear that you have lost control drive you to lower the bar. Things could go either way. Don’t calm yourself into thinking you’ve got this handled until the stuff that keeps you awake at night stops messing up your dreams.


January 21 – February 20

Coming full circle, so many things have changed. You aren’t quite sure where things are going because you haven’t lived long enough to see this pattern repeat itself more than once. Keep your eyes peeled. The next few months will give you a chance to put many things into place. Work related twists and turns are complicating things. Having to watch your P’s and Q’s, and being in situations where divided loyalties keep you torn in two – these things are putting an edge on an otherwise perfect time. Within this intensity, you are wide awake, excited, and full of anticipation.


February 21 – March 20

It looks like everything’s falling into place. You have done everything in your power to hold steady. Making the best of it, the part of you that is always swimming in the opposite direction wonders if you should be elsewhere. You’ve got a million reasons to stay put. The last few months have added certainty to things that you were indecisive about. As others become more or less attentive/conscious/agreeable, holding steady, and being strong enough to take the reins will call you to question everything before you are able to come to terms with what needs to happen here.

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