On December 29, 2015

KPAA encourages positive perspective despite weather

Dear Editor,

Happy holidays on behalf of the Killington Pico Area Association (KPAA) to you and your families. Looking outside its hard to determine which holiday season we are in. I’d like to remind everyone that we have been here before and there’s no reason to panic as some have   expressed to me.

I, myself, being one of the owners at Snowmobile Vermont watch the weather daily and it makes it hard to properly plan and truly be optimistic. We must remember no matter how tough it is, the face we provide to our visitors must be positive and welcoming. These visitors don’t track the weather the way we have for the last 30 years. They just want this experience to be wonderful and its our community’s job to make it that way for them.

So first, let’s give a round of applause to Killington Resort’s unbelievable effort to provide the  best quality snow in the Northeast. I travel for my other businesses in the state and no other ski area has put the effort and financial commitment to the early season skiing and riding our customers have come to enjoy. When you see the mountain staff out and about sincerely thank them for that effort.

Second, let’s thank Seth Webb for his vision and patience for the last seven years. As we all know Seth Webb is moving on. The KPAA would not exist if Seth wasn’t so welcome to the idea of the town working with the resort and the business community to create a better relationship in the region. He demonstrated a willingness to put his job on the line many times because he knew our community vision was more important than his personal gains. We all wish him well in his new ventures and again I thank him for his help to make Killington a better place.

Let’s stay positive, put on a smile for our visitors and continue to work together. Ask your self each day if the decisions you are making serve only to help yourself or the entire community? A strong positive community will be the platform for the growth and continued success.


Howard Smith, president of KPAA

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