On December 24, 2015

New patterns of unity and love

By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Taurus Moon, with an extra dose of power being generated by the Sun as it crosses the Winter Solstice threshold, and moves from Sagittarius into Capricorn. Now that the red carpet of holiday energies has arrived at its destination, the sacredness of the season reminds us that that the spark that ignites on the 21st of December, is filling the matrix with the blueprint for the coming year.

Because each one of us is a perfect reflection of the cosmos, within that process our hopes and dreams become the main ingredient. For the next 48 hours, as we pass through the heart of darkness, coming out on the other side, what we envision, individually and collectively matters more than anything.

It is on this night that the light of the world returns. In the center of this moment, Spirit works through us to recreate itself. With this magic, imagine what could happen if our hearts opened wide enough to allow the power of the life force to etch new patterns of unity and love into the blueprint for 2016?

It’s quite obvious that our outer reality is shifting our inner tectonics are making adjustments of their own. Cracks in the system will turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Mark my words. The light that pours out of the  womb of creation is about to find its way to the surface and  outshine the darkness.

We could put an astrological spin on all of this, but sometimes it’s better to speak in plain English. As the shadow of the old paradigm fades, and the portal to new beginnings welcomes us in, on this night of nights, it comes down to entering the mystery with an open heart, and a clear mind. Think about what that might mean for us, personally and collectively —  and while you’re at it, expand your sense of what it means to be centered and whole, consider your place in the scheme of things, open your soul to the blessings of the season, and enjoy this week’s ‘scopes.

Lots of love, Happy Holidays, and Merry Christmas, to all.

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