On November 26, 2015

Horoscopes for November 19 – November 25, 2015

Cal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

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Horoscopes for November 19 – November 25, 2015


March 21 – April 20

Between now and the next full moon a lot of things are due to change. There are so many variables impacting your situation, any thought that you are in control is an illusion. Knowing enough to remain cool when every inch of you is ready to explode is where it’s at right now. Yes: everything is coming to a head. All of it matters more than anything. When life gets like this, it’s really quite simple. All you have to do is show up, be 100% there for whatever’s going on, refrain from bringing too much of your s— to the party, and pour your heart into making this fly.


April 21 – May 20

Maybe you can get things to work, but before you keep pushing this rock up a hill, it would be good to check your motives. And while you’re at it, do a quick review of who, or whatever you’ve decided to worship. If the underlying story is laced with dreams of glory, and/or the kind of greed that keeps the ego snug as a bug in a rug, you’re gonna fly south. Get real, not just about your own agenda, but about the true nature of the people you’re so enamored with. Don’t throw your lot in with people who have no substance and whose smoke and mirrors will only bring you down.


May 21 – June 20

Now that you’ve finally figured out how to get your better half to speak up, you’re not so quick to blame them for all your troubles. Recent conversations have revealed so much. With you guys, the story revolves around how much their needs bottle things up. For better or worse, it’s the duality of your own nature that you need to come to terms with. Of late the pressure to be all things to all people has kept the inner you on the ropes, in a state of compromise that could yield a tiny bit of benefit, if you can find a way to give a voice to what’s actually true for you.


June 21 – July 20

You have so much coming around the bend, it’s one of those moments in time when every fiber of your being knows that you’re on the verge of something huge. How you enter into a process like this is akin to what it might be like to enter the heart of the Sun. You can’t expect yourself to do anything but surrender, and pay close attention to what’s right there in front of you. Any uncertainty goes with the territory. No one can tell you how this will go. The key lies in coming to grips with the fact that YOU are the one who has to trust life enough to ease your way through it


July 21 – August 20

Under too much pressure, it is normal to resort to whatever it takes to deal with more than you can handle. Multiple variables make it impossible to find yourself in the midst of all of this. Don’t get hung up wondering what you need to do to make it all OK for everyone. Even if you’re going off the deep end, let it be what it is until you find out what drove you over the edge. Life is changing too fast for you to use any previous method or solution. Open up to whatever it takes to accept yourself and do what you can to keep others from making you feel like you’ve lost your grip.


August 21–September 20

You have everything ship shape. If you can keep your head above water the next month could be blissful. Finding ways to make room for the stuff that inspires you is more important than towing the line. Your tendency to drown yourself in work is only OK if the bigger part of you knows that it isn’t the point. Neither is the money that seems to matter so much these days. Don’t fall into the trap that leads so many of us to believe that either one of those things is what life is all about. Tap into the joyful piece. Let it be the key that unlocks the door to what work and mony can’t buy.


September 21 – October 20

With so much on your plate, it doesn’t make sense to overcomplicate things. Those of you who know enough not to overbook yourselves are better off than those of you who keep thinking you’ve got to push things to the limit. Shutting off links that are no longer working has included editing your contacts down to the people who actually matter. Space, time, peace of mind; this is what you need right now. Huge pressure to walk your talk has many of you reeling in the face of self criticism and doubt. Hang in there. On some level you have already triumphed over all of this.


October 21 – November 20

There’s a lot to be said for living in the moment. All of a sudden, ‘the next thing’ has become less important than what’s going on right now. With a backlog of discipline that keeps telling you to tow the line, do the right thing, or be there for things that are no longer relevant, you need to keep telling yourself to just let go. The last few months have been up in the air enough to show you that you come into your own


November 21 – December 20

You are coming into your own in ways that could throw everything for a loop. How it comes down will be anyone’s guess. In situations like this, the trick is to not get addled by the fact that the old you is morphing into a totally new version of yourself. Communication issues are bound to come up with those who keep expecting the same old thing from you. Your tendency to tell it like it is could easily come across as shocking, harsh, or insensitive. Give it time. Let others know that you are on a totally new bandwidth, and ask them to be patient while you re-tune yourself.


December 21 – January 20

Isolating yourself could be an issue. I am not sure why. It looks like you’re having a hard time wrestling with the idea of appearing weak in other people’s eyes. It’s totally OK to hide out, but don’t take it too far. This is not the way it is for ALL of you – and those of you who are out of the woods, seem to be 100% “On” for whatever your current affairs involve. This is a defining moment on so many levels. Those of you who are under the weather are processing a truck load of Karma. Those of you who are on an upswing are reaping all the goodness that you have sown.


January 21 – February 20

After 6 months of getting your bearings, things have leveled off enough for you to feel like the piece of you that disappeared ages ago has returned to restore your soul. Years of feeding into a story that didn’t belong to you have given way to glimmers of truth about who you really are. Now that you’re here, anything goes: trust me. The tendency to conform is as strong with you as is the need to break the rules. Between the two, you are about to find yourself in a position to have it all, and finally be freed to bring what you love more than anything into your life.


February 21 – March 20

No matter where you go, someone or something always wants something from you. Every time you turn around it’s your turn to give someone what they haven’t got. Boundary issues are coming up, big time. The big hearted, all-loving piece is ready to flip. I don’t know how you’re going to find your way through this maze of overly needy people, but you could start by looking at what it’s costing you. Levels of discernment need to be high. Figure out who’s for real and who isn’t. And before you dish out one more favor, look closely at who is actually ready and wiling to reciprocate.

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