On October 22, 2015

Drop the nonsense and get real

By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Capricorn Moon, in the midst of aspects that make me wonder how well anyone who’s trying to have a normal life might be coping. So much is coming to a head, our illusions of ‘normal’ are currently being uprooted by forces that keep begging us to step out of the box. This is one of those times when life is challenging us to expand our perceptions and consider what it might mean for us to move to higher ground. What also seems to be the case is, for better or worse, everyone’s chickens are coming home to roost.

For the next week or so, we’d do well to consider what kind of shape our lives are in. Look beyond the surface. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: none of us came here to drive around in cars and spend our time going back and forth to the bank. As the planets and the stars slip into the gears that are driving the whole kit-and-kaboodle through the shift of the ages, finding our way through the eye of the needle is calling many of us to let go of a lot more than we bargained for.

Themes that revolve around radical identity shifts, total and complete turnarounds, experiences of total disillusionment, along with the kind of stuff that pulls the rug out from under every last one of our attachments, will be all over the place for the next few weeks. Pay attention to how it feels when there’s nothing left but the bottom line. Who are you when, ‘who you think you are’ bites the dust? What’s left at the end of the day is what we need to be looking at, right now.

If that sounds depressing, it’s not really that at all. Siva aspects tell me that it’s time for all of us to drop the nonsense and get real. The extent to which we are out of integrity will determine how upsetting things get. Any unwillingness to confront ourselves honestly will come at a high price. We are being blessed with an opportunity to transform every aspect of our lives — this is no time to let the Ego stand in the way.

If you pay attention to what’s happening in your own life, and in the lives of those close to you, you will see that there seem to be just as many crashing and burning, as there are those who, against all odds, appear to be rising from the ashes. Look around. When Siva’s in the room, the lies are destroyed and the truth gets shaken down.

Don’t ask me how it’s all gonna unravel. From a Biblical perspective, it’s Judgment Day. From a Woo-Woo perspective we are ascending — everything is relative until Time gives birth to the Truth. Hang in there, and I will do my best to do the same.

Keep it simple, keep it safe, and enjoy this week’s ‘scopes.

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