Dear Editor,
I support David Rosenblum who called out leaders on road safety. Rosenblum is a stalwart volunteer for the town and I fully understand his frustration with paid bureaucrats’ inaction. I’d wager things would play differently if said bureaucrats resided in the town locale.
Municipalities get sued all the time for avoidable tragedies. We would pay a terrible price for a death resulting from a pedestrian on the power line walkway getting hit at that intersection. Speaking of power lines since when does a scenic byway qualify for two sets of power lines?
Regarding speeding: the Killington flats is a ticketing bonanza and many drivers use the River Road “cut through” as an extension of the flats. Generations have complained about River Road speeding but the town has increasingly promoted its biking and pedestrian use — enforcement should follow to protect the public. We don’t need to hire Tusk Ventures to tell us that negligent enforcement on River Road is a “state created danger” – it is.
Kip Dalury, Killington