On September 24, 2015

Horoscopes for September 17 – September 23, 2015

Cal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

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Horoscopes for September 17 – September 23, 2015


March 21 – April 20

Caught between one thing and another the sense of being nowhere could easily overwhelm the fact that you are at a huge re-set point. Don’t diminish yourself, or let the act of switching horses in midstream destabilize the thought that you are definitely on your way up. The only thing that can mess you up now is the tendency to self sabotage with whatever means you have at your disposal. Others are 100% there. You may need to work a little harder to appreciate their input. I see new life growing out of things that didn’t appear to have a prayer. Keep up the good work.


April 21 – May 20

On to bigger and better things. Thank God you knew enough to beat feet. Breaking ties with those whose interests have diverged from your own has opened the playing field considerably. Many of you are at the point where you’re feeling free enough to walk away from all of it, and go searching for things that matter on some distant shore. This transitional phase will be easy or hard depending on where your priorities lie. Your money issues, and the tendency to ere on the side of caution need to be worked on if you want to smooth out this phase of the journey


May 21 – June 20

Other people and their stuff is what gets you down. You may be a champ at making it seem like you don’t get stuck in it, but that crap can easily turn you into a nervous wreck – and it is just about to catch up with you if it hasn’t already. Check out your health quotient to see to what extent it’s time to stop making so many adjustments for those who take everything and con you into thinking they’re doing all the giving. Finding space and time to beam in on what you really need would be helpful. More money isn’t the answer. More love? You may need to redefine it.


June 21 – July 20

You feel like you’ve been at the starting gate for the last 8 months. When and if things decide to take off you are more than ready. The need to stay focused in a very simple way on the task at hand can’t be underscored strongly enough. You’ve got lots of work but it is scattered all over the place, and can only be productive if, for another month, you develop the most efficient way to apply your time and energy. Others may fade out during this period. Let them recoup and know that you’re better off working on your own – at least for now. Soon enough you will know why!


July 21 – August 20

The way things are going you can’t believe how much better off you are now than you were a few years ago. Varying degrees of improvement have brought a whole new set of problems right along with them. Do your best to get over some of the pettiness that has screwed up your ability to be loving. If it’s time to apologize, be the first one to say it. As you sit back and are hopefully amused by how all of this has turned out, you are just as aware that the more things change, the more they stay the same, and whatever we think we want, is was, and always will, be here. VIRGO: August 21 – September 20


August 21–September 20

You have finally gotten down to the bare bones of what’s going on, only to find that it’s the same old thing. Part of you is amazed that you keep running the same story — another part of you is beginning to see that time and repetition are the only teachers here. Recent moments of truth have been sobering. They have kept you humble enough to remind you that we all get side tracked, but in the end, nothing matters more than our purpose. We get it and we lose it in cycles. You’re about to get back on track with the things that work to bring love into your life.


September 21 – October 20

LIBRA: September 21 – October 20
You have so much weight on your shoulders, it’s hard to figure out how you manage. The need to remain vigilant, and consider the uses of adversity is ongoing. Within difficulty there is always room for enlightenment.  At this point you have realized that you’re better off keeping to yourself. The need to trim everything back will lighten your load. Getting ready for a move and reconsidering your position in the scheme of things could take you out of here. If that is on the menu, know that changing the scenery could also take a whole lot of weight off your shoulders.


October 21 – November 20

Something has lifted in the past few months. The pressure is off and all of a sudden there’s enough room for you to remember what it feels like to be human. In the space where we go to relax, instead of arguing over who’s in charge, the left and the right brain function creatively. This time may seem like there’s nothing going on but believe me when I tell you, you are in a gestation process that will ultimately change you forever — IF you can be open to the continued release of people and things that became way too important while you were caught up in the rat race.


November 21 – December 20

Whatever’s going on is about to give you a chance to showcase the best of what you’ve got, in a format that will allow you to make a difference. For God knows how long you’ve towed the line and kept things working when everyone else bailed out and there was nothing left to work with. On the cusp of any new venture there will always be doubts. Let your mind rest. What it does not have the capacity to embrace is the idea that you have found your way to something amazing, and it is within the work that you are about to undertake that a truer sense of purpose will emerge.


December 21 – January 20

You have been thrown off this horse too many times to wonder why you keep winding up on your ass! Life would be so much easier for you if you weren’t so hung up on having everything looked like you had it all under control. This is no time to be stuck in how things look and it is certainly no time to be catering to a lifestyle that can’t make room for the kind of insanity that’s been cropping up for you lately. In the midst of it, believe it or not you are about to reclaim some faith in the thought that there is light at the end of the tunnel and none of this has been in vain.


January 21 – February 20

You had no idea you could stretch your limits this far and still make things work. Finally feeling free enough to let go is a big step in the right direction. If you keep slipping back into old habits it’ll be easier to catch yourself in the act. Knowing in the deeper part of yourself that what you’ve always thought you wanted, and never thought you could have, is lining up, and within reach, there is no going back. And what unfolds in front of you now is all you have to pay attention to, because the past ended a while back, and your Higher Self is waiting for you to get on with the show.


February 21 – March 20

It’s OK to be up in the air. Certainty is in short supply these days. You’re going back and forth on too many levels to have any business trying to keep all your ducks in a row. Recent excursions out of the box may have confused things. The bright idea, or the intuition that told you to go all the way, is turning out to be more of a lesson in going off half-cocked. That’s OK. That’s how you guys roll. Now that you’re wandering around in realms that don’t resemble anything you’re used to, check in long enough to see if there’s anything here that actually matters to you.

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