By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye
This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Sagittarius Moon, with aspects that include the Sun’s entrance into the sign of the Virgin. If you’ve noticed a slight difference in the way the sunlight feels, over the last few days, it’s because the Sun went into Virgo on Aug. 23, and the resonant frequency has shifted into a totally different gear.
I think I’ve mentioned before, that Virgo is where the mundane becomes sanctified — that statement sounds totally theoretical, but it comes from direct observation. At the point where the Sun crosses the Virgo cusp, here in the Northern Hemisphere we begin to harvest the fruits of our labors, and preserve them, alchemically, so that we can sustain ourselves through the dark part of the year.
The busy-ness that goes with the transition from summer to autumn is a sign that ‘something’ is percolating in the retort — and the remains of what came to life in the summer sun is undergoing a process that is about to turn all of it into gold. Just as the kids start going back to school, all of us begin to take the lessons of the last nine months and transform the wisdom they contain into an elixir that will enlighten and inspire us through the darkness, until the next cycle inseminates us with new life, at the Winter Solstice.
Jupiter entered Virgo on Aug. 11, and just so happened to be waiting for the Sun when it crossed the Leo-Virgo cusp. Normally this would feel like a totally jubilant thing, but Saturn is currently stationed on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp. Within orb of a square to both the Sun and Jupiter, translated into layman’s terms this is basically like having a skunk show up at a lawn party. Taking the good with the bad is where it’s at, under this influence — so is finding the light in situations that make it seem as if we are blind to it.
Be patient: the Sun and Jupiter move faster than Saturn and are scooting out from under his shadow as we speak. This means that the faith in what our heart’s hold to be true is warranted. Giving in to the fear that it’s better to prepare for the worst than to hope for the best won’t get us anywhere. As the fifth dimensional energies continue to filter in and astound us with one miracle after another, this is no time to stop believing in the power of love. Let your prayers and decrees shine under the light of this Virgo Sun, and let everything you do be filled with the understanding that every last bit of it is sacred. Think about how amazing that is and how amazing YOU are, as you enjoy this weeks’ ‘scopes!