Dear Editor,
In response to the article “Experts predict bad mosquito season for area” in the May 28-June 3 edition: This year, it is so obvious that something is different in respects to the horrific amount of mosquitos out, not just during the evening hours, but, all day long. I have not been able to enjoy any outdoor activity on my property all summer. It is very worrisome, because I have horses and dogs as well as people in my home that can be susceptible to the diseases that they bring. I live on a main road between Leicester and Whiting, so according to your article there has been some spraying of a sort…..Get it right people, mosquitos are harbingers of life threatening diseases. What the heck is wrong with the people making decisions to not spray. Maybe they should be made to stay for a couple of hours outdoors where I and others live. At least I know who to blame if someone or an animal of mine gets sick.
Barbara Bridgmon, Whiting