On June 25, 2015

Horoscopes for June 18 – June 24, 2015

Cal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like an emailed notification sent to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

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Horoscopes for June 18 – June 24, 2015


March 21 – April 20

You can’t deny this; whatever’s going on, it’s right in your face. So much of what you never expected is forcing you to come to terms with yourself. This feels good, bad, or confusing depending on where you’re at. The need to be really flexible, and open enough to step out of your pictures and deal with the reality of your situation can’t be over emphasized. This is the biggest change point of your life. To be too timid, or too stuck, or too angry about the things that aren’t working won’t do much but hold you back and keep you from reinventing your life.


April 21 – May 20

This sense of fullness and confidence has a lot to do with the feeling that you’ve finally found your niche. If that sounds a little over the top, tone it down enough to suit yourself. The sense that nothing can shake, or rock you is as strong as it’s ever been. At times like this it’s often the case that we get slammed with our biggest tests – and many of you are looking at the back side of what happens when we overstep ourselves. Proceed with caution: going too far with anything will see you recouping, regrouping, and recanting a few statements before the year is out.


May 21 – June 20

The next month or two will see you doing more than your share of people, places, and things; I see tons of people showing up at your door, and a lot of fun and games. This could turn out to be one of the most productive times of your life. If you can manage to keep the parasitic types from draining your battery the picture looks so good, I am going to advise you to think twice before you say ‘Yes’ to anyone, or anything that doesn’t serve your immediate interests. Put as much time and energy as you want into what’s already going,  but forget about taking on anything new.


June 21 – July 20

You find it hard to believe that you might have to change your master plan. The bigger part of you gets its back up whenever it comes time to change anything, so good luck with this one! The best way to approach this will require you to open your mind and give life enough time to show you what does or doesn’t work. You biggest weakness is sentiment, attachment, ‘Mom’ stuff, and a need structure with roots that have to be back filled with more security than the average bear. Right now, you’d do better to realize that all of your attachments are getting in the way.


July 21 – August 20

You don’t have to worry too much about anything except getting stuck. No matter where you think you’re at with yourself, it’s always good to check and see if you’re really in your life, or if you’re living in a card board cut-out that screens off the heart of the matter. It looks to me like you’re coming up on the need to redefine yourself within your relationship, and within your connection to the outer world in general – because you’ve moved on – and so much has changed in the last 6-7 years, you can’t keep moving forward until you take stock of where you are now.


August 21–September 20

The last thing you need to do is worry about how this is all going to work out. For God’s sake, give it a rest. If you’ve had enough faith to let this come true in its own good time, all I can say is keep up the good work. The need to convert, correct, and/or cooperate is showing up in your relationships and in your daily experience to such an extent that you’re feeling the stress of what it means to do both. When life gets this tense, you’ve got to be able to wait things out and disengage from your perfection trips just enough to remember that even this is absolutely perfect.


September 21 – October 20

LIBRA: September 21 – October 20
The last few years have tested you on multiple levels. At this point you’re home free. If the after taste of too much stress has you waiting for the next piece of trouble to knock you over, it’s time to stop being over defensive about what is no longer the case. You are either feeling really good about being out of the woods or having a tough time waiting for the best part of life to arrive. Keep moving ahead with an open heart. Nothing works when the goal is to stay on top of it. Just focus on the here and now, and stop trying to run the world or push anything into being.


October 21 – November 20

How far do you think people will go to keep you from telling the truth? This could be more about coming to terms with it, but either way, it looks like there’s a lot of pressure to keep things to yourself. In the long run, it helps to keep in mind that none of this matters. What you decide to do is your business. Be wise to the idea that others have an agenda and take notice of the gap between what they preach and what they practice. You weren’t born yesterday but it would be easy for anyone with ambition and a motive to step on your back to get close to someone else.


November 21 – December 20

The way things are going you are holding your breath and crossing your fingers. I don’t see too many problems showing up to make you nuts, but I see a big tendency on your part to get too wound up about the wrong things. How this works out, isn’t up to you. If and when you are able to live up to the pressure from others and your own expectations you will see that you can’t keep taking care of more than your share. Leave as much of what looks like it’s your responsibility to the ones who have the time for it, and start focusing on your own life for a change.


December 21 – January 20

You see so far ahead it’s hard for others to keep up with you. Right now, you are doing your best to move mountains and looking forward to getting it done without too much of a hassle. Disgruntled employees, or kids whose issues keep cropping up to top off your list of responsibilities, will be back to haunt you in one form or another. You don’t have to bend over backwards for anyone. For the next month or two, what you really need to do is make time for yourself, and keep your mind focused on what you want your vision to look like in a year or two.


January 21 – February 20

The sense of being ready to snap and the idea that you have to use every trick in the book to stay on track is showing up in one form or another. Some of you are freaked out about losing it. Circumstances are always the kicker and you have too many things at stake. For some reason, as much as you are overwhelmed, the part of you that is too proud to show any sign of weakness is carrying you on its shoulders through one of the biggest tests you’ll ever face. The end is in sight, or at least close enough for you to be able to look at the horizon and see clear signs of success.


February 21 – March 20

Sometimes you have to do things just to be nice. As far as that goes, you could be spending too much of your time making things OK for other people. I am sure you’ve heard it before. No one needs to tell you that you can’t keep doing this. Outside of your missionary spirit there are bound to be issues with unusual characters or loved ones who have you convinced that they are the exception to every rule. You would be wise to stop giving their idiosyncrasies more space than you give your own. Start hanging out with people who have something to offer or teach you.

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