On December 24, 2014

Governor Shumlin deserves support

Dear Editor,

The next session of the legislature starts in a few weeks. There was a very clear message that education and property taxes had reached the limit of Vermonters’ ability to pay. They want action to solve this problem. Governor Shumlin and legislators have heard the message. The cost of health care, clean-up of Lake Champlain and other issues are also troubling Vermonters.

Before we allow ourselves to be swamped by doubts and defeatism about these challenges we should stop and consider some of what this governor has done in the last four years: led the way to recovery from Irene, helped Vermont lead the country in solar job creation, gave Vermonters the right to know what is in their food (the GMO labeling law), and has tackled head on the opiate addiction problem in Vermont, leading the way by getting treatment for those suffering and cracking down on those importing drugs to Vermont. He has given every child access to pre-kindergarten to prepare them to succeed in school.

What’s coming up may be his and our legislators’ greatest challenges yet. But we have a governor who has demonstrated he is up to the test. He has not sidestepped the really tough issues, like health care. He will work with the legislature to solve these problems. We need to stiffen our resolve and support him.

I am a strong supporter of the governor and his efforts to make Vermont an even better place to live, work and raise a family. I urge all Vermonters to support our governor.

Bill Kuch

Springfield, Vt.

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