On October 30, 2014

Tate: Why I’m running to represent you

Dear Editor,
This coming election is extremely crucial for the future of Vermont. With a lop-sided government in Montpelier we continue to see a singular point of view having full reign over the state’s budget, our business climate, our personal freedoms and Vermont’s way forward. This past January my wife, Lisa, and I were blessed with the birth of our son – a moment that will bring hope and optimism to any person but will also fill them with a deeper sense of responsibility. I have deep roots in our region and I have no greater desire than to raise my boy here. I want him taught in our schools, to sled down our hills and to, someday, raise his own family here as well. But the current posture in Montpelier is unacceptably hostile towards business, job growth and any person with ambition who would seek to have a fair return for working hard and investing in our community. State spending will continue to skyrocket, taxes will continue to rise, businesses will continue to close, families will continue to flee and Montpelier will keep seeking to expand its power over the lives and finances of our citizenry. As a Navy Seabee combat engineer who has met, and overcome, many challenges by working with a wide array of organizations and individuals — I have complete confidence in my ability to go, represent you, and make a true, tangible difference in our lives (and future) here in Vermont.  We didn’t get into this situation overnight and we won’t dig ourselves out of it overnight either – but by working hard and never taking our eye off the ball I am convinced we can reverse the trend in this state and return us all towards the path for a brighter future in Bridgewater, Chittenden, Killington and Mendon.  I would greatly appreciate your vote.
Job Tate, Mendon

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